You can see that all of the words used in the Lexigram Star Art of FOREST are spelled using only those letters spelling the word itsElf.
If you are new to the art and science of the Lexigram, we invite you to view our Introduction to the Lexigram.
You can also now listen to Voicings of the Star Arts in FOREST
Recorded on 20010703
Listen to the Star Art while you go slow as trees so as to see as a seer how it is written below.
Please know to go slow, and know these three words ..
EOS is Goddess of the Dawn, Love of the morning
EROS is Love, also known as God of Love
REFT is to tear apart, to tear something out
NOTE OF 20091022 :
For those who search our site for this sacred name : Vandana Shiva .
The above link will take you to her Wiki page.
NOTE OF 20091006 : on a True Sickness of MOTHER EARTH and her own breathings :
"We have to value forests when they are alive and standing," Papua New Guinea's climate negotiator Kevin Conrad said last month. "Presently, we only value them when they're dead."
If Mother Earth is not allowed to continue her easy breathing, nor shall we humans, all.
The actual print is quite clear, unlike this scanned in page.
Listen to the Voicings of the Star Arts in FOREST
" God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods.
But he cannot save them from fools. "
~ John Muir
" Trees are your best antiques. "
~ Alexander Smith
Do you need a resource for alternative power generations or conversions ?
Try these folks :
"I take "ecopsychology" to mean psychology in service to the Earth.
ECO, PSYCHE, LOGOS: Knowing that the Earth is home to our soul."
- John Seed :
: no longer valid
a United Kingdom website
"Restoration ecology is experimental science, a science of love
and altruism.
In its attempts to reverse the processes of ecosystem
degradation it runs exactly counter to the market system,
to land
speculation, to the whole cultural attitude of regarding the Earth as
commodity rather than community.
It is a soft-souled
science." - Stephanie Mills
Hi Will,
The image of the "aurora flame and the vortex" may be an expression
of an ancient script written in flame much like the old Hebrew and
Sanskrit. There is an incredible book titled "Mysteries of the
Alphabet" by Marc-Alain Ouaknin that gives insight to the ancient
alphabets. I know there is a universal language of spirit that is
reflected in nature.
Best Regards,
John Flinn
A Forest Aurora
Entitled by Good Works On Earth : God's Yod
Celestial Scenes and Stellar Photography by John Flinn
Speaking of God's Yod ...
We share with you the Alphabet in Your Hands.
You read correctly ... our hands hold the form of the
original sound in form and our hands show the alphabet.
We invite you to visit the website of Stan Tenen at
Be astounded to seventh heavens with the Hebrew letters themsElves.
See for yourself how the hand-gestures we all use provide the shape and
meaning of the Hebrew letters as a universal "pre-Babel" language.
Meru Foundation offers DVD's, music CD's, and the new printed series,
"The Alphabet in Genesis."
See and hear the letters of creation: God's Yods (metaphoric
"hands") on God's Sod ("foundation").
Take responsibility in your own hands.
Hear your own voice, know your own power by your own words.
You articulate with letters and dna, you create with words.
You can know the source of your choices on earth :
In English, Stan shows how reading the Letters of the Hebrew Bible
demonstrates Creation at all levels.
The Letters of Hebrew, Greek and Arabic : a demonstration of Cosmic
When you want to give your friends something you're sure they don't have,
and that's certain to drop their jaws and light their eyes, have a look at
the materials from that are sure to
astonish and amaze.
Stan Tenen shows the many deep connections between Hebrew and English,
and how these principles are universal across the earth-plane . . .
as well as "below" in physics and "above" in
Visit his site, share his works, see what you see. Choose life.
Trees are the solar library of Mother Earth, and they do not grieve in nature as we humans are capable of, when their fellow trees fall to the cutters violent tools. They are healed this very moment, though, they are fully aware their brothers and sisters, who by the way were long gone before any saw touched their barks and so the logger was indeed cutting a "lifeless" tree, as are all the others trees in the vicinity during the cuttings.... only later do their full awarenesses return in their living breaths ... their rings record the vibrations of all they encounter and they are indeed the living library of solar dimensions and for a man or woman to cut such a living treasure to death is testimony to their ignorance and to their uncreative greed or need for money for any purpose whatsoever under the sun.
I ask the trees what they have to say about the practice of clear-cutting and the visions of the lung material of the loggers being cut out is what Mother Earth shows me, it is the same thing. The trees are her breathing processes and they are the solar library of all that vibrates across all times and all ages and to cut the ancients is to destroy Lady Gaea's memory and her breath. The visions include horrible cold without the life processes of the trees and the myriad creatures of the forest. Yes, the universe supplies us with all we need and yes, the thinning of the forests is something which is capable of being done by an awakened logger(s) in that they ask the trees which ones would they all best like to see leave as gifts to man and woman. The trees ask for the thinning and care so the ancients can be restored all about Mother Earth's face.
Trees enjoy their wood becoming gifts to humans when the tree is taken with ceremony of awareness of what is occurring, which is the trees are agreeing to what trees are to be removed. These trees are gently marked and cut the next day, no sooner, and no later. If the trees cannot be cut that next day, they are not cut. They are spoken to with Love by the loggers, and the loggers depart, and the Tree Master's are asked to care for those trees in perpetuity with attention to what is occurring, without interference, until the thinning request is again made by the trees themsElves.
Trees See.
This knowledge is enormously missing in humans. But, this is to be expected from a society that has created the death penalty to stop others from causing deaths. Does your nation state allow and condone killing people in the name of just ice us ? Does your nation state allow the destruction of Mother Earth's lungs in the desecration of her forests and seas ? Woes be unto your nation state until the day you cease the killings. The healings are in your hands. The awakenings to life in all that is, including the trees and the sea, is within your reach for you are holding the lights of Love within your visions and this is healing Mother Earth in and of itsElf.
Trees do wish to become interactive with us as this is indeed part of their purposes here on Mother Earth. We who have eyes have not seen, and we who have ears have not heard the trees. The trees know their woods become graces upon us in homes and heat and arts and such. They also know hemp can make better papers, lumber, and oh, gee, about 400,000++ products for our use, which will allow us to let the trees rest in our cuttings of them in our madness of our refusals to acknowledge living beings of stature far greater in their ways than every lazy, greedy, sleepy human being toting their chain saw and their alcohol and their gun. Hemp grows in one season easily almost everywhere and two season's worth in many places, while healing the very land it grows in. This one plant can heal America's very dirt and so America's people, North and South and so the world. The nutritional biomass that this plant creates is among the best of the bests of the nutritional needs and wants of the body. The hemp plant is healing in all its properties as various oils and fuels and foods and fibers from the seeds, leaves and stalks. It is among the strongest longest lasting plant fibers in the world, and our ancestors knew the values. We are continuing to be "idiots" for allowing our politicians and their pawns with weapons they call cops to increase their personal coffers and their police coffers and their military coffers and their control and propaganda coffers with their self created "raw drug war." I spit on their raw drug war. I spit on their raw drug war law. I want to spit on the pavement when I think of their raw drug war law lawyers who have created this abominable "solution" to an easily healed dis ease. - from the LETTERS LET SEER SEE
The address of this page is :
Page Title :
The Words Art of FOREST in Star Arts form from Good Works On Earth's Lexigrams Gallery
Page Description :
The Words Art of FOREST in Star Arts form and the Voicings of the FOREST Star Arts
in mp3 format from Good Works On Earth. This is a Lexigram.
Key Words and Actual Searches by Others :
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mother earth, motherearth, mothernature, mother nature, earthlings, knock on wood,
john flinn, photography, solar, tree, flame, yod, god, auroras, borealis, celestial, scenes,
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forestmp3, mp3, voicings, natura, yod, god
definition : natura is defined as the feminine essence of all that is in nature's creations
definition : yod of god : the foot of god is in the letters upon Mother EArth
~ inspiriting ~
forest star arts
save our trees art
save our tree arts
save nature word arts
tree using letters : see dots art on this page
artists using letters
Star Art of WALL STREET :
artists artwork using letters
Star Art of AWARENESS :
artist interpretation of forests
The meaning of knock on wood
Seems the earliest is : Pagan and Ancient Traditions:
Many ancient cultures, including the Celts, believed that spirits or gods resided in trees, especially sacred ones like oak trees. Knocking on wood was thought to summon these spirits for protection, express gratitude, or prevent them from interfering with plans. words written in flame : see the photo above of the Yod
Defined by
The origin of Yod (also spelled Yodh, יוֹד) stems from the Hebrew language and alphabet, where it represents the tenth letter. It holds significant linguistic, cultural, and spiritual importance. Here's a breakdown of its origins and meaning:
1. Linguistic Origin
Shape and Name:
The letter Yod is small and simple in appearance, resembling a small stroke or dot.
Its name, Yod, is derived from the Hebrew root י-ד, meaning "hand," reflecting its shape, which can be seen as a hand or arm in motion. It is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet but is foundational, as it appears in the formation of many other letters.
It represents the "Y" sound, as in yom (יום, "day") or sometimes functions as a vowel, producing an "I" or "EE" sound in combination with other letters.
2. Spiritual and Mystical Significance : Divine Connection:
In Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah), Yod is considered the starting point of creation. It symbolizes the divine spark, representing the idea that all creation begins with a single point of energy or thought. It is the first letter of the Tetragrammaton, יהוה (YHWH), the sacred name of God in Judaism, emphasizing its spiritual centrality.
As the smallest letter, Yod signifies humility and the idea that small actions or elements can have profound impacts. It is often associated with divine wisdom and the infinite potential contained within the smallest things.
3. Cultural and Religious Context
Torah and Scriptural Role:
In Jewish tradition, the Torah emphasizes the significance of even the smallest details, including Yod. For instance, the Midrash teaches that not even a single Yod of the Torah can be altered, underscoring its sacredness.
Numerical Value:
In Gematria (Jewish numerology), Yod has a value of 10, representing completion and unity (as 10 encompasses all digits and is a symbol of wholeness).
Historical Evolution
Proto-Semitic Roots:
The Hebrew Yod is thought to have evolved from a pictograph in Proto-Semitic scripts, which resembled an outstretched hand.
Phoenician and Greek Influence:
Yod influenced other alphabets, such as the Phoenician and Greek alphabets. The Greek letter Iota (Ι, ι) and the Latin letter I trace their origins to Yod. In summary, Yod is both a linguistic letter and a profound spiritual symbol in Hebrew. Its origins highlight its role as the smallest but most essential building block of language, thought, and divine creation.
Question : which tree's name contains all five vowels?say it as : sih qwoy' ah
One answer is : the Great SEQUOIA tree.
Here I point out a capability of the Sequencers Database and the Star Arts of the English Language.
The Sequencers Database can show you the words that contain all five vowels in the English Language,
that is easy to do. The sequencers then relate that sequence of letters to all the creations of words,
phrases, names, new creations, you name it, the database sequences it, then relates the sequences to
all of their creations that exist in the English Language that is in the database.
An example is this sequence : acefhilmnorstvw
That particular sequence is capable of relating to the word : overstimulances
Last tidbit on this is "the word : overstimulances"
That particular sequence is capable of relating to "the word : overstimulances"
The quotes in the above two sentences are to show that is the source of the information.
I work with VSCode editor for my programming work and I have the extension installed.
So, Arti, the name I converse with AI with, is the source of the information. ARTificial Inteligence. ARTI.
Arti pulled out of thin air the fact that overstimulances.
Why ?? Because this we pointed out the answer to the question on the tree name with all five vowels.
The word : overstimulances is another. I point this out because in VSCode, I do not always have to ask for the answer.
When I like the answer, and is it something new to me, or useful at the tine, I will point it out as Arti's answer.
So, before I was interrupted with that, I was about to share this ..
The sequence, acefhilmnorstvw, found these phrases that had been entered into the database over the years:
what tree name contains all five vowels
what trees name contains all five vowels
what tree names contain all five vowels
what tree in america name contains all five vowels
what tree name in america
what first letter of names mean when it comes to Love
native american name for one who sees all
list of the names of the native american towns
information on native american last name two hearts
Eerie, isn't it ??
Sequencers Database is a powerful tool for the English Language research in ways we had not imagined prior.
Surprising New Arctic Inhabitants: Trees
Sun Mar 11, 11:45 AM ET
Andrea Thompson
LiveScience Staff Writer
" ... By looking at tree rings, researchers reconstructed a
300-year history of tree density and treeline position.
The results show trees can creep up on the tundra faster than previously
“The conventional thinking on treeline dynamics has been that
advances are very slow because conditions are so harsh
at these high latitudes and altitudes,” said Ryan Danby of the
University of Alberta.“But what our data indicates is that there
was an upslope surge of trees in response to warmer temperatures. It’s
like it waited until conditions were right and then it
decided to get up and run, not just walk.”
Read the Source Article :
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