Note of 20130814 : Good Works On Earth seeks a webmaster to maintain these types of our pages, in an up-to-date and current information condition.
It is easier than you think to do so, and if you want to learn the art of webmastering html material, we will apprentice you.
Please contact Kathy Onu, our Web Admin.

Note of November Twenty Two Thousand Seven :
Open Sharings Dinner Celebrating Thanksgivings :
All Races : All Incomes : All Creeds : All Labors : All Talents :
All Creators : All Creatresses : All Awarenesses :
Contact to Contribute : Contact To Help : Contact to Say Thank You After It's All Done :
This is the Contact Point for the Stellar Thanksgivings Dinners of All Humans After All, It Is Just Us.
Dentists may be on hand with Educare Awarenesses for those so desiring.
Healers will be on hand with Educare Awarenesses for those so needing.
All Services Are Community Based : Simply Ask, best you know.
All of the above are our words. The following are David's Words.
Then, you see another's on the Celebrations in Eugene Oregon Open to All.

Below is FORWARDED message from Rose Wilde with the State of Oregon about FREE Thanksgiving dinner sites in Lane County area in 2007.

Please note that these sites are for everyone. You do not have to prove low-income status, etc. 
In fact, I know for a fact that at least some places (probably all) *encourage* and *welcome* all 
incomes to attend and eat and participate, because this helps create a more diverse community that is 
inclusive and integrates everyone side by side. (Plus, if you contact the site ahead of time, you may ask for the extra fun of volunteering and/or donating.)

Please forward the below list far and wide...

Disclaimer: Below is a forwarded message, we did not originate it, this is all the information we have, 
we can't vouch for accuracy but it is from a reliable source, feel free to forward... and happy THANKSGIVING everyone!

From: [email protected]
Date: November 16, 2007 2:39:18 PM PST
Subject: Thanksgiving dinner sites


As promised, here is the list of free Thanksgiving dinner sites.  Please know that I am not in charge of 
any of these, nor can I vouch for the events (I verified they were happening and asked permission to share 
with the community, that is all).  I only listed events that were completely free and open to all comers. 
I appreciate all the community members and organizations that make sure our people here have a hot meal on special occasions.

Please send me any additions or corrections.  Apologies in advance for leaving anyone out, please let me know to include you and I will next week.

:) Rose

All events are on the day of Thanksgiving, this coming Thursday Nov 22.

New Hope Baptist Church
587 Front Street, Creswell

Cottage Grove

First Baptist Church
301 S. 6th, Cottage Grove


Presbyterian Church
3996 Hwy 101 Florence


Whitaker Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Whitaker School Head Start
21 N Grand Street

Eugene Christian Fellowship
89780 N. Game Farm Rd.

Friendly St. Church
2290 Friendly Street

Eugene Mission
1542 W 1st
Women/children/couples 11:20am
Single men served at 12pm

Junction  City

Family Life Center
3rd and Laurel, Junction  City
2-5pm (No phone listed : not verified)

Shepherd’s Hand
655 3rd Street
2-5pm  (No phone listed : not verified)


Thurston Baptist Church Thanksgiving Feast
6364 Main St. Springfield


Rose I. Wilde, MPH
Community Resource Coordinator
Department of Human Services, District 5
2885 Chad Drive
Eugene, OR 97408

(541) 687-7373 x 401
[email protected]

This page was last updated in some way on : 20171209, 20130814

We also recommend you enjoy PEACE ON EARTH

Update note of 20241213
Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade, page by page, all 900+ pages.

All pages at our site are subject to update at any time.
We endeavor to keep all page links meaningful and valid.
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the Sequencers Services are provided by Good Works On Earth
a 501(c)3 charitable, educational, and research nonprofit organization.