The love of one's country is a natural thing.
But why should love stop at the border?
- Pablo Casals


Heartlings !! Earthlings

* * *

Welcome Home In True Light
Welcome to Good Works On Earth's Home Page

We share Awakenings and Healings of
Mother Earth and her Earth's Hearts.

Blessed (Earth) Mother's Day
Is Every Day
This Cosmic Star Art begins with three OM's that ran together to form a mom.

Our Great Spirit Earth Mother
Great Spirit Earth Mother Goddess
The Star Art of MOTHER Poster

We share the Art and Science of the *Lexigram ,
by sharing the Star Arts of English words common to humans.

Lexigram defined:
lexi, meaning the word, as in the lexicon, the dictionary of words
-gram, a suffix meaning drawn out in full, or written out in full

The Lexigram defined in this manner is accurately proven to be correct as in the Star Arts,
the words themsElves expand upon their meanings in their nameings.
Not all words will do this, this is a code defined by its axioms.
We named the results of our research as the Star Arts .. same letters.

This is an Ascensions and Awakenings in the Light Age website.

We invite you to view our Sequencers Database ..

Home of the English Sequence Generators with our
Sequencers Relational Database .

Every link to will end with this Coupon Code:

The code gifts you a 30% discount on all database plans and most products.
Forever. Change plans, cancel and return later, the Forever Coupon Code applies.

Are you aware of Earth Hour ??
"Join us again next year for Earth Hour 2025 on Saturday,
the 22nd of March at 8:30pm your local time as we create the Biggest Hour for Earth."

Learn about it and register for 2025:

Every link on this site will have this ending: /invite/wordsmith30

This is our coupon for 30% off, forever, any plan, and most products.
Sequencers Database

Thank You,
Kathy Onu
Site Creator
Good Works On Earth
A great place to begin is with the word, RESOLVES, as it shares the bedrock awakenings.
The Star Art of Star Art of RESOLVES

The Star Arts and Sequencers Database are providing English research capabilities new to we EARTHLINGS As HEARTLINGS .
I always recommend three Star Arts to folks ..


Update note of 20241213
Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade, page by page, all 900+ pages.

All pages at our site are subject to update at any time.
We endeavor to keep all page links meaningful and valid.
We Support The Open Net
We Support Net-Neutrality
We Support Open Source Code

the Sequencers Services are provided by Good Works On Earth
a 501(c)3 charitable, educational, and research nonprofit organization.