The Star Arts of NAMES, a unique look at the sequences of our own creation, through a new lense.
The Art and Science of the Sequences, aka Lexigrams, in the Words of NAMES, in Star Arts form, from Good Works On Earth, are a sacred venture, not to be trifled with, nor abused, nor used for profit, nor for harm.

To do so will bring harm to the abuser.

Words are more powerful than swords, and the Lexigrams as Star Arts are the most powerful of all, for they reveal the truth of the words from the word's own letter's sequence creating that word.
As I update this page on 20241009, I inform you, Dear Reader, the rendering of Names as Star Arts is a sacred trust. I have rendered Star Arts of Names for many years now, and I have seen the power of the Lexigrams in the Names. I have seen the Name Art heal the person who uses the name. One woman shared she has lived through five names, and I asked her if in the name of research, could I render the Names as Star Arts. She agreed, and I rendered the Star Arts of her five names and when I presented them to her, she was in happy tears seeing her life described in the Star Arts of her names. She said she felt healed and I saw the healing in her eyes.

After I mailed a Name Art to very wise human, she called me up and ask me how I knew so much about her. I told her the Lexigram revealed the truth of her name, and she said, "I know, but how did you know ??" Know what, I asked. She asked me how I knew her nick-name from high school ?? I said, what ?? I do not know your nick-name from high school. She responded, you wrote it in the Name Art. I asked, what is the nick-name, and when she told me, I said, No way I wrote that in the Name Art. I didn't have the art in front of me, so I asked her to read it to me, and while she read, I found it. I had written her nick-name in the Name Art, and I had no conscious knowledge of it. I was stunned, and she was stunned, and we both knew the Lexigram had revealed the truth of her name. Utterly flabbergasted, I was.

I share that story to give you a sense of the power of the Letters. I am so concerned about the power of the Lexigrams in the Names, I am convinced the best way to pass the knowleges of how to render Name Arts, is to write the book on the Art and Science of the Name Arts in Star Arts form from Good Works On Earth.

I recommend to all visitors and members of Good Works On Earth to not use the Lexigrams in the Names for profit. If anyone attempts to use a name in the manner I will be revealing .. woes be unto them for they know not what they do. Seriously, the Lexigrams in the Names are powerful healers, and they are not to be trifled with. When a human renders a Name Art, they are entering the sacred realms of the name and displaying their own soul's knowledge. You cannot render what you cannot know to be true, nor imagine to be true.

The Name Arts are the most powerful of all the Lexigrams, for they are the names of the humans, and the names of the humans are sacred. I have seen lives change for the better forevermore after seeing their Name Art. I have helped heal the hearts of many a human with the Name Arts and with changing their name to reflect their true nature. Now, that is a sacred and powerful act, and it is not to be taken lightly.

Three times I have seen men attempt to abuse this art, and three times they have been brought to their knees in pain, by wise women. They scurried off and were not seen for a while and when they returned, apologies were made and the abuses were never seen again. In one case, the man wrote me a letter including his apology and .. something he himsElf had learned from the Lexigrams in his name. He was so thankful, and I know why.

Same reason the Star Art of ALCOHOLISM is so powerful in awakening and healing the alcoholic.

In my awareness of these matters, I am now working on the book on the Art and Science of the Name Arts in Star Arts form. I will reveal the knowledges of the Letters, Words, Names and the Sentences in Star Arts. I will share the hard won 'secrets' of how to render the Name Art with precision, and with Love. Always with Love, unless .. the Name Art is of a violent nature, used to see the truth of the name. I have helped investigators see the truth of the names of the criminals, and the names of the victims, helping to find the missing children and the missing adults and the criminals who caused deaths.

One investigator gave me five names of suspects the criminal was blatant in the Name Art renderings. The Name Arts of two missing girls were rendered and the Name Arts of the suspect was rendered. The location of the bodies of the two girls were revealed from their name's letters, and the manner of how the killer hid their bodies. The proofs were then found in the physical world. He was arrested.

The Name Arts are powerful healing tools, and they are powerful revealers of more truth than can be imagined.

There are scenarios where one can charge for the service of rendering a Name Art. 1. As described above, in the investigator's toolbox. 2. In the art of helping parent know how to name their child in the best ways possible. 3. In the art of helping someone change their name to reflect their true nature. 4. In the art of helping someone know their true nature. 5. In the art of helping someone know their true purpose. 6. In the art of helping someone know their true path. 7. In the art of helping someone know their true gifts. 8. In the art of helping someone know their true challenges. 9. In the art of helping someone know their true lessons. 10. In the art of helping someone know their true healings. 11. In the art of helping someone know their true learnings. 12. In the art of helping someone know their true pitfalls, and ..
how to avoid them.

Note of 20241231

Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade of 900+ pages, by hand and eye, codes and texts and links, etc.
Please know aboout 100 pages are now fully updated, but ..
Those working pages may lead to pages not yet updated with broken links.
That was an error, we now check every link before we update a page and we are correcting this.
As a result, all pages at our site are subject to update at any time.
We will endeavor to keep all page links meaningful and valid after this lengthy upgrade.
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the Sequencers Services are provided by Good Works On Earth
a 501(c)3 charitable, educational, and research nonprofit organization.