The Lexigram Star Art of FUNERAL in Lexigram form from Good Works On Earth
I share with you a letter with a Star Art within.
Peace Pilgrim, the woman who walked over 50,000 miles throughout America
speaking words of peace and understanding,
she woke me up to how we can celebrate the passing-on of a Loved One.
I never met Peace Pilgrim, I have read her writings.
Greetings Ye,
One word asks to be shared with thee,
In these, the great eternal presents of the nowments ..
Which ceases not with our breaths or heartbeats for we are eternal ..
Creating and playing with the mindstuffs of Goddess ..
Whose Angels of Love always awaits us across this now thin veil of the breath of the body ..
Whispering in our ears to rejoice in the release of our Loved ones to their cares ..
For surely there their hearts do shine ..
The Angels of Peace and our Loved One's Divine ..
A One Word for our One sOURrce of Goddess~God~Love be RA. And Re, in yin or female essence.
AN EAR NEAR RA EARN A REAL LEARN shares the secret of our inner ear.
And so we come to know we hear our inner ear, and
Oh ... to the awakening of our Loved one o'er the misty veil ..
A grand cause of our celebrations for their awakenings sublime .. and ours in physical ..
... from the letters ...
..... revealing .....
An Ear Near A FUNERAL Earn A True Tune
A Real Rune Near A Real Funeral
An Ear Near Ra Earn A Real Learn
A Real Rune .. Nae Fear Near
.... and a bit more ....
The memorial service should be a joyous farewell party, recalling the good the person has done, reading favorite
poems and singing favorite songs. If we did this, the liberated one would be rejoicing with us.
- Peace Pilgrim - Her Life and Work in Her Own Words ~ page 84
The word itsElf tells us its truth, to celebrate the one who draws us together.
Play their favorite music, for surely they do hear,
Their harmonious tunes there now played here,
Create and share their favorite delicious dishes,
Dance their dancings with goofy feets or graceful treats to thy eyes,
Sacredly dance their dance and sing their name feeling sElf's joys profound,
Voice their favorite words to you, or to their others, so all can share,
For they surely do be with our Angels of Peace,
Dancing their dances with us,
As do we now with them,
For we are one,
Eternal Eventides
Take it from a wordsmithy, every word true from the heart.
Kathy Onu,
In Name, Amen
Please feel free to share with others who you know would enjoy these knowings in wordings.
You can visit the Peace Pilgrim web site at:
Definition: INANE : Without contents; empty; void of sense or intelligence;
purposeless; pointless; characterless; useless.
In the spirit of Peace Pilgrim and other wise humans,
we offer the idea of the inane mortuary.
An inane mortuary will be empty because it is inane.
Immortality seems to have appeared.
This Perfect Anagram
was handcrafted by
Kathy Uno
on 20061219
See another perfect anagram of
The address of this page is :
This is a
Peace On Earth Good Will All website
Blessings Be and ..
Thank You for your carings and sharings,
Kathy Onu, nee Uno
The Letters Settler
This page was last updated in some way on 20250112
Previous updates : 20241218, 20081221
Have you read the Star Art of
North Americans, South Americans, Eastern Americans,
Western Americans or Central Americans ..
It's a scream, as Americans care ....
It's a song in the songster's care.
Can an anthem heal the hate ?
Can a ballad suspend time ?
A healing anthem can ..
An able ballad can ...
For now, we invite you to listen to the
Voicings of the Star Arts of AMERICANS
Note of 20241231
Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade of 900+ pages, by hand and eye, codes and texts and links, etc.
Please know aboout 100 pages are now fully updated, but ..
Those working pages may lead to pages not yet updated with broken links.
That was an error, we now check every link before we update a page and we are correcting this.
As a result, all pages at our site are subject to update at any time.
We will endeavor to keep all page links meaningful and valid after this lengthy upgrade.
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the Sequencers Services are provided by Good Works On Earth
a 501(c)3 charitable, educational, and research nonprofit organization.