Are you aware of Earth Hour ??
"Join us again next year for Earth Hour 2025 on Saturday,
the 22nd of March at 8:30 pm your local time as we create the Biggest Hour for Earth."
Learn about it and register for 2025 :
When man and woman understand that the dolphins and whales are caretakers of Mother Earth, same as men and women and other awarenesses of earth, all shall reside in Loving peace with Mother Earth's WHALES and DOLPHINS.
We share Lexigram Star Arts of the DOLPHINS and the WHALES.
All of the words in the Star Art of WHALES are spelled using only those letters spelling the name itsElf ..
Please know that the words, RA, SOL, ODIN, and ODINS are sacred words in the Star Arts. These represent humans nameing sources of life, such as the Sun, Sol, Ra, and more. representing Our One sOurce, also called Love, God, Ra, Goddess, Great Spirit, Brahma, Oneness of Onenesses ..
Our one source has many names and yes, some are quite mean in man's writings of them. Some are quite beautiful, joyful, laughing and loving. We share the sacred words in the Star Arts as they are the words themsElves revealing their fuller meaning.
... from the letters ...
..... revealing .....
The following photograph was sent to us on 20030513
If you are the author of this photograph of dolphins surfing ..
Please, contact us for credit and link.
Adjust brightness and contrast as necessary so you can clearly see the best surfers.
Clicking the Dolphins Surfing leads you to the SALMON.
We received this note from Karin on 20060302 :
"Hi Good Works On Earth, I am not the author of the dolphin photo but
I do know that it was taken at Currumbin on the Gold Coast Queensland
I was living on the Gold Coast when this photo was taken and it featured on
the local news
as to who took the photo not sure on that one. I now live in Hervey Bay
(whale watching capital
of the world, so they say) which is 4 hours north of Gold Coast and at
Fraser Island (largest sand island
in the world) is next to us, also about an hour south of the base of the
Great Barrier Reef."
- - Cheers, Karin
We Invite You
View the Star Art of
Experience the Awarenesses
of Onenesses in Peace
Look at what the DOLPHINS can do!
The young dolphin gives a quick flip of her head,
and an undulating silver ring appears--as if by magic
in front of her. The ring is a solid, toroidal bubble two
feet across--and yet it does not rise to the surface!
Daring rescue of whale: Humpback nuzzled her saviors in thanks
2005-12-14 : San Francisco Chronicle
Note : while this original article link no longer operates,
a simple search will find many a whale story coming to humans for help,
receiving help and .. in their own ways, thanking the humans, honoring the humans.
"Man [has] always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much ... the wheel, New York, wars and so on, while all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time.
But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man for precisely the same reason."
~ Douglas Adams
Dream with the DOLPHINS
HEAL with the WHALES
Please, see the trees in the FOREST
Description : Good Works On Earth
Researches the art and science of the Lexigram and shares that the power of
word is far greater than we have been led to believe, or allowed to imagine.
Key Words :
dolphins, art, whales, star arts, healings, awakenings, caretakers
dohplins, doplhins, dolfins, sleep, old, sol, odins, pods, plod, on, whales,
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Humans see WHALE'S AWES, WHALES' awarenesses, anew.
Humans Hum Aums
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