Please notice that all the words creating the Lexigram Star Art of
are spelled using only those letters spelling the word itsElf.
If you are new to the art and science of the Lexigram,
we invite you to visit our
Introduction to the Lexigram
While pondering HER WEATHER, HEARing THE EARTH HEART in the wind and rain,
I heard in the letters of WEATHER ...
Weather does do all this... fierce weather brings folks together ...
in ways much gentler than war, or economic woes.
We offer you a quote from
Viktor Schauberger
Water is a living substance!
Ponder well this quote, for we are almost all water oursElves, and we are living.
Without water, we die, very quickly.
Do you honor the waters, best you know ? author's quote reference :
Can you imagine a doctor in an Iranian prison requesting to stay in prison so he could continue his water research ?
The following writing is one of the quotes from the doctor, at this page : : sadly, gone now, fortunately we copied part of it.
"I discovered the healing power of water in a peculiar situation.
When Iranian Revolution broke out in 1979, I was placed in the infamous 'prison' as a political prisoner.
One late night, I followed a howl, a shrieking groan in the corridor.
I found a young man doubled up in agony.
He told me "My ulcer is killing me."
I asked, "What have you done for it?"
He said, "I've taken three Tagamet and a whole bottle of antacid and it hasn't done any good."
I asked "When did it start?"
He said "At one o'clock in the afternoon."
For 10 hours he was in that position and no one could help.
I examined his abdomen to see whether he had perforated.
Fortunately, he had not.
I gave him two glasses of water and sat next to him and observe him for ten minutes.
I went back and came back in another seven minutes.
He was no longer groaning anymore.
He opened his eyes, sat up and was pain-free.
Three glasses of water removed his pain in 20 minutes whereas the best, strongest medication couldn't do anything."
"During two and half years of my imprisonment, I successfully I treated over 3,000 people
with peptic ulcer disease with only water and I came away with understanding that these people were really and only thirsty.
They were presenting their dehydration in the form of a painful crisis situation that we in the medical profession had labeled as 'disease condition.'"
"After twenty three months, the prison warden told me the authorities were considering releasing me.
I thank him, but said I wanted to stay on in prison a while longer.
I was in the middle of clinical observation on the effect of water as a treatment of various
stress-induced health problems, including bleeding peptic ulcer conditions.
I stayed in prison another four months. During my prison time,
I gained much new understanding about physiological effect of water and its relationship to many disease conditions.
I discovered that the human body had sophisticated crisis calls for water when it is stressed and becomes dehydrated.
I published the first announcement of my discovery in the Iranian Medical Association while I was still in prison.
A translation of the article was sent to America and was eventually restructured for publication as a guest editorial in the
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology
in June 1983."
The New York Times Science Watch reported this discovery on June 21, 1983.
- A New Medical Discovery
Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D., an internationally renowned researcher,
author and advocate of the natural healing power of water, was born in Iran in 1931.
He attended Fettes College in Scotland and was a graduate of St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School of London University,
where he studied under Sir Alexander Fleming, who shared the Nobel Prize for the discovery of penicillin ...
to continue reading about the good doctor, we invite you to read about it
and see the images created by emotions upon water.
" Please Mother Earth, forgive Americans, for they have lost their way in the deep dark of the
bile lie bible bibel's lies of their own satanic verses seeding fears in hearts of gentle men and women
and their children. Mother Earth, I am a child, and I ask you to bring earthquakes and tornadoes and
floods and waves and droughts and anything you need to do to show people how to be kinder.
And please, stop growing foods where all the people are mean to each other.
Mother Earth, these mean folks are killing you, can you help make them stop with your shakes, please?
Your words are clear to me Mother Earth, they are.
I see your bees, I hear your trees in the winds and when the winds are so still.
Mother Earth, I tell you true from my heart to yours I mean this ...
I live in a city where men hurt women.
It is not many but we can never seem to let the Lawmen and Lawewomen be free to do other works,
they are out chasing mean men and some mean women too, but few.
What I want to say to you Mother Earth
is if you want to bring your storms
and your heats to where I live
to change the way folks see
each other ... I am willing
to let you kill me again as
you cleanse your lands
if that is your wish
so others can live in peace all around you,
Dear Mother Earth, with your father's stars ...
You know my name, Mother Earth, or do you like Urth better, or Aerth or Aehrt ?
Good God's Good Nights, Dear Earth Mother
Better Mother's Days, Dear Lady Gaea.
I Love You As and Like My Mom Because You Are Our Real and True Great Grand Mother Spider Weaving the Web of Love and Life.
Breathe Easy, Mother Earth so I can breathe easy with you."
Our Child's Letter above to Mother Earth below
from an Inner Child of one of her
Children of the New Earth
The above was authored and posted on our home page a few days before
Hurricane Katrina destroyed more than human lives and homes.
She also destroyed decade's worth of America's denial about major environmental problems that confront
They have a dis ease named consumption and their mental environ is showing as ill still in their environ mental conversations and creations.
The tested knowings of increasing competition and consumption is destroying America.
Cooperation is the way of kind kin all.
Jobs, jobs, jobs, the mantra of the capitalist to own your works with accountings and taxings.
Time is money is the single most destructive lie upon the face of Mother Earth.
With poisons creating and spewing humans chasing false profits based on false prophet's words.
Precedent, precedent, precedent the lame
lawyers stand on in their decisions of today.
Bile Lie BIBLE Bibels they swear on.
Ponder well, America ...
Ponder well ... yOur PRIESTS Sire Ires, Pries, Set Ties.
Ponder well ... yOur POLITICAL Ails are affecting our globe,
for yOur consumption is in an advanced stage of dis ease.
The Star Art of Nature : NATURE
The Star Art of Mother Nature :
The Star Art of Mother Earth :
The Star Art of MOTHER, singular.
The Star Art of MOTHERS
"The Planet Platen is creating
A Planet Leap in the high energy lights of Love."
~ Kathy Onu
On that note, we invite you to read the article entitled :
Why Shift Happens
by :
Jean-Claude Koven
"Our entire solar system has entered a highly charged portion of space
that is triggering a complete reordering of life as we know it.
Here is an inside look at the most significant shift in the history of this planet."
..· ´*¸ ¨¨)) -:¦:-
Think Love´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ ..
·´ -:¦:-
-:¦:- ((¸¸.
·´ When you do,
everything around you transforms
"Consider it this way:
We each consciously chose to be on this planet at this time so we could take part
in this extraordinary cosmic event. To duck it would be to miss everything we came here for."
~ Jean-Claude Gerard Koven
Prism House Press
36101 Bob Hope Drive
Suite E-5, PMB 305
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
United States
Tel. + 1.760.324.3072
Fax. +1.760.321.5314
E-mail. [email protected]
Jean-Claude Koven is a featured weekly columnist for
United Press International's Religion & Spirituality Forum
Do you know about HAARP ?
Have you heard of Haarpicanes, yet ?
Read this viewpoint of how Hurricanes
Ivan and Katrina came to be, and why :
To see the
Star Art of WEATHER
as published in
PlanetLightworker in 1998
The address of this page is :
Key Words
weather, water, earth, art, star, arts, healings, haters, healing hates,
lady diana, princess diana, channelings, hearing, hearts, earths, miracles,
water, hado : this is an astounding off
site link showing you the power
of the water within us all. Go, treat yoursElf to a newer awareness.
NASA, images, neale donald walsch, quotes
Actual searches folks made to arrive here :
mother earth water
words that describe earth
: the word question and answer in word art form :
: i quest it so i sit quiet on it so i sent i on to it so quest is in i.
answer ?
: as we saw a new awe, as we saw new awes ~ we saw a new answer as we earn
new awes :
: weather eat eater wet :
female body earth weather water
~ emotions and weather patterns ~
weather's effects on emotions
~ hear the earth quote ~
wordings about nature
~ weather water art ~
weather anagram
earth art form
~ earth tear art ~
lady gaia
: lady gaea :
lady ge
Words for the Weather :
atmospheric conditions, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, clime,
strong wind, heavy wind, windstorm, blow, gale, hurricane, storm,
rainstorm, snowstorm, tidal, waves, tsunami, snow, rain, sleet, hail, wind,
heat, cold, dry, wet,
balmy, fog, foggy, fogged-in, a snow storm's white out, calm
Meteorologist defined : a one versed in meterology.
Meteorology defined : from the Greek, meteoron, meaning meteor, and logia,
meaning to speak;
Meteorology is the science which treats of the atmosphere and atmospheric
Meteorology is the study of weather and climate.
Climate is the study of and description of mother earth's weathers in an
Climate is an area or zone of the earth's sufrace specific regarding its
Meaning of Climatology : the description of climate in the study of
Meaning of the word, Climatologist : an expert in the science of
weather prophet, forecaster, weather forecaster,
weatherman, weatherwoman, weathermen, weatherwomen
Actual Searches Folks Used to Arrive Here :
: anagrams of water :
nature with wordings
~ weather wisdoms ~
nature word names
~ good weather words ~
science anagrams
: weather anagrams :
~ lexigrams in science ~
good weather words
~ art of weather changes ~
healing powers of mother nature
: good words for weather :
: weather wisdoms for kids :
earth weathers
take me to
the place where my future is
waiting on me
~ measurements of heaven ~ one measurement is humaneness
the nature words trail
The search engine quest was :
How much water is there on earth ?
One Answer : Offsite links :
"Seventy-one percent of the Earth's surface is covered with water.
Earth is the only planet on which water can exist in liquid form on the surface
(though there may be liquid ethane or methane on
Titan's surface
and liquid water beneath the surface of
Liquid water is, of course, essential for life as we know it
The heat capacity of the oceans is also very important in keeping the
Earth's temperature relatively stable.
Liquid water is also responsible for most of the erosion and weathering of
the Earth's continents,
a process unique in the solar system today (though it may have occurred on
Mars in the past).
Source :
Please note, the above answer does not answer how much water is on earth.
We are still researching the best answer.
environmental name art : environment word
environmental word art : environment name art
What does the
Word of God
say about the weather on earth
Weather wrath of god
Weather Keys
Weather Wisdoms
Naked Weather Girls
How is weather affecting people ?
Better to ask, How are the people affecting the weather ?
Perfect Anagram
was handcrafted by Kathy Onu -
To see another perfect anagram of
perfect anagram
was handcrafted by Kathy Onu
See another perfect anagram of
The Earth's Years :
of the Earth and the Moon slows the Earth's rotation by about 2 milliseconds
per century.
Current research indicates that about 900 million years ago there were 481
18-hour days in a year."
Source :
Have you ever wondered how the nameing of planetary bodies occurs ?
Here is one answer :
Update History :
Most recent update now shows at bottom of page
Update on : 20060220
Update on : 20060124
Contacts update on : 20060116
HTML burnishings : 20051216, 20050105
Search term added : 20051212
HTML burnishings on 20051128
Searched term added on 20051104
: good for the earth :
Searched term added on 20051025
Search terms added on 20051007
Search terms added on 20050928
HAARP Note and Haaricanes, as a word, added on : 20050921
American's Environ Mental Denial's note added on : 20050914
Advertising note removed on 20050914
An Inner Child's Letter to Mother Earth was added to our site days before
Hurricane Katrina arrived,
then we moved that letter from our home page to this WEATHER page on
Search term added on : 20050624
Advertising note adjustments on : 20050618
Burnishings and search terms added on : 20050615
Advertising wordings adjusted on : 20050526
Advertising offer and search engine visitor's terms added on : 20050525
One minor typo corrected and search terms added on : 20050514
Minor page cleanup : 20050425
The Quest : How much water is there on Mother Earth ? : 20050403 :
One Answer
A bit of burnishments on 20050325
Search Words Adjustment on 20050317
Words for the Weather added to on 20050311
Key words adjusted on 20050105
Update on : 20040929
Update : 20040730
Update on : 20040527
Update before that one : 20031118
This is a
Peace On Earth Good Will All website
This page was last updated in some way on : 20241226
Prior updates : 20210215, 20130217, 20060519, 20051216, 20040527, 20031118
We invite you to ponder the ongoing miracles in every breath of every being on this planet ...
When you realize the miracle of being able to invitieyou to read the Star Arts of
You have found yoursElf here reading, fully able to accept the Invitations and Boarding Passes ..
You get a taste of the fullness of the miracles ongoing in coeternal tolerance, and you accept.
Congratulations to you and thank you for contributing to Peace On Earth in your ways.
Mother Earth asks that we let you know, She hears your words, very clearly.
Point being .. speak your heart's dreams with Mother Earth.
Without her, where would your dream be dreamed ?
Invite Mother Earth to storm in your area ...
Be about your business of life and living ..
And when the storm comes .. enjoy her breaths.
Mother Earth breathes, as do you Dear Reader,
and her breaths with her airs are her weathers.
Cease killing the trees &
grow hemp world wise.
Have you read the Star Art of AMERICANS or
North Americans, South Americans, Eastern Americans,
Western Americans or Central Americans ..
It's a scream, as Americans care ....
It's a song in the songster's care.
Can an anthem heal the hate ?
Can a ballad suspend time ?
A healing anthem can ..
An able ballad can ...
The Star Art
Note of 20241231
Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade of 900+ pages, by hand and eye, codes and texts and links, etc.
Please know aboout 100 pages are now fully updated, but ..
Those working pages may lead to pages not yet updated with broken links.
That was an error, we now check every link before we update a page and we are correcting this.
As a result, all pages at our site are subject to update at any time.
We will endeavor to keep all page links meaningful and valid after this lengthy upgrade.
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