We share with you the AXIOMS of the Art and Science of the Lexigram aka Star Arts

This is the Lexigram, How to Page #1, wherein we share with you the axioms of the art and science of the Lexigram
and the Lexigrams Codes for Letterings as researched and revealed at Good Works On Earth.
You can see that all of the words in each axiom are spelled
using only those letters spelling the word itsElf, thereby
allowing you and gifting you with knowing
the power of the Spoken Word
with God's and Goddesses'
Words of Love
Seer See Letters Reset : Letters Settle : Letters Let Seer See


WO !


The Word : ESS is female
GoddESS ESSence


The Light................................. The Love

( I-re  peh-REN-nee-us )
Latin words to say, everlasting

The Lexigram, How to Page #2 : What's In A Name ?
Any one of the Lexigram phrases in a Star Art can heal a life.

The Lexigram Magic of MOTHER

The Letters of the Seer in the Star Art of MOTHER : Our Mother Nature Art
This anagram art, we call them Star Arts, has been crafted to fine arts print image
David Woods, Artist

Note of 20130505 :
We invite you to visit our new Membership ~ Research ~ Support site.
Created by a professional Lexigram artist and researcher .. this database
decodes English in ways never before imagined, and allows you to support our work.

Another Axiom of Science in the
Art and Science of the Lexigram
The Star Arts of FORGIVENESS


has been crafted onto a photograph taken by John Flinn, the Frog on a Rose Photographer

a quote, from John Flinn, Stellar Photographer

"Speaking of words,  one of my favorites is Universe.
At first glance you would think it meant : One Verse : but
a verse is actually something that turns or is turned.
So Universe means to "turn as one."
Check out the website : https://www.theresonanceproject.org/ : we noticed the link no longer works : 20130325
The physicist, Nassim Haramein, has recently proven that the 'missing matter'
in the universe is not dark matter at all.  It is only due to earlier equations that did not take
all of the spinning into account that goes on in the universe.  The missing mass was only missing
rotational energy. We are all dancing and spinning even when we are sitting down ...

A yarn well spun, John ...
Thank You !

For more information on Nassim Haramein's work,
visit another link at : The Nano Technology Group

Please also see the sharings at our Star Art of BELIEF SYSTEMS page.

Definition of the Anagram and Lexigram

Please know, we have long maintained there will never be such thing as a Lexigram Program, or a Lexigram Generator, per se.
We were wrong. How do we know ?
We discovered a way to create the computer application as a Lexigram Generator that will generate real, true and valid Lexigrams.
Lexigrams are rendered using the fullest list of anagrams you can create from the letters of the name, phrase or word,
AND the intuitions of the Lexigram'er using the art and science of the axioms of
the Lexigram, and yes .. anagram programs can be used to help
see and associate all the words ... however, your own lexicon
you can consult off line with eyes on paper is priceless.
Lexigrams of Name Art and Star Arts and Word Arts
are created by the Loving attentions and yes, the
Loving intuitions of the aware caring soul,
some say spirit, some say sol, some say
ankh and some say ... thank you;
One Love Source
Our sOurce
Eros Rose
And from this, we have discovered a way to create the Lexigram Generator.
We now have this program operating in-house at Good Works On Earth for our own researches,
and to further develop the Lexigram Generator's refinements.
The Lexigram Generator is one small part of the computer program
we are developing which we are calling, the Book of Creations.

We invite you to see the information in
the manuscript letters and words about the
art and science of the Lexigram entitled :


All of These ..
Star Arts Lexigrams
Words Arts Lexigrams
And Name Arts Lexigrams
Are Held in Trust
by :
Good Works On Earth


The address of this page is :

Description : Good Works On Earth
Researches the art and science of the Lexigram and shares that the power of the
word is far greater than we have been led to believe, or allowed to imagine.

Page Description
We share with you the AXIOMS of the art and nature and science of the Lexigram, the Lexigrams Codes.
This is scientific anagramming at its lexigramming finest.

Key Words :
axioms, lexigrams, codes, lexigram, code, nature,
words, letters, sentences, vowels, poetry, star arts,
healings, awakenings, lexigrammings, lexis, anagrams

The Axioms of the Letters are the Mother of the Arts and Science of the Lexigram

Actual searches folks made to arrive here :

create a name axiom
perfect alphabet anagram
Leads to the ALPHABET Star Art : phrases to thank god for the earth and nature
Leads to the Mother Earth Star Art
use the letters in your name for sentences
a sentence using the word axioms
the Creations code : golden anagrams
axiom of Lexigram : axioms of Lexigrams :
The Name and Letter Art : A Names and Letters Art
Answer : Lexigrams is one name.
use letters of name to make words
using each letter of a name to making a meaningful sentence
the search above is the art of the Perfect Anagram described in few words :
using each letter of a name to make a sentence
using every letter of a name to make a sentence
artists letters and words in art
: Artwork Letterings and artists that use letterings :
Please see our calligram Star Arts of MOTHERS
: words for letters in your name : words from letters in a name
: words from letters in your name = anagrams
: lexigrams program : there is no such thing and never will be - ku
The Lexigram can be fully revealed only by the Loving Heart's Soulful Ear. - ku
: anagrams program : a free anagram generator, and the best is at WordSmith.org
Lexigrams, how to
create words from letters of your name
create words using letters in phrase
: anagrams are words made from letters of your name :
make sentence from letters of name : art of the Lexigram
: make a sentence with the letters in your name :
: using letters from your name :
turn your name into an anagram
: form words from letters of your name
to form anagrams of your name's letters, use WordSmith.org
artwork with codes : art axioms
: words used in arts :
using words in art
: science anagram :
Lexigram codes
: anagram codes :
anagrams art
: anagram art :
star art codes
: artists codes :
word art code
anagrams arts

lexigram check
Note added 20241028 Yes, we have the program that does a real and true Lexigram check.
  We created our relational-database that checks and generates the Lexigram sequence.
And much more does it generate and relate and store.
Please visit the Sequencers Database
You will arrive here: https://goodworksonearth.net/invite/wordsmith30
The /invite/wordsmith30 part of the address is a Forever Coupon Code for 30% off any plan, and select products, forever. definition of a lexigram
lexigram checker
: lexigrams definition
lexigrams checker
: lexigram checks :
Nothing will automatically check or correct a human rendered Lexigram,
except to simply see if you have any extra letters showing in the Lexigram.
Example : On 20071212, we found one typo on one word in one Star Art in the Star Arts Package we offer as The GIFT .

Samples of major search engine searches folks used to arrive here :
There is only one good English word that is an anagram of DIRECTIONS : ANSWER is : the letters CDEIINORST, also create DISCRETION
: using letters from words to make anagrams :
how to lexigram a name : lexigramming your name
^ follow next axiom link above to the guidelines ^
words spelled using the letters of a name, phrase or word
Find words using the letters in your name
^ here, we recommend https://wordsmith.org/anagram/index.html Fast, free, easy to use. ^
We also recommend their advanced anagram generator : https://wordsmith.org/anagram/advanced.html
: anagram english hidden word :
gods and earths symbols
~ knowing the power of God's word ~
The Letters of the Seer
: Seeker of Every Truth :
Question : anagram for share '
The full anagrams for SHARE are : hears, shear & hares, Hera's & Rhea's
: the power of the word is greater than the power of the sword - Kathy Uno
: the powers of the words are far greater than the power of the sword - Kathy Onu
: Kathy Onu and Kathy Uno are my pen names. Will I Am : Executive Director
Kathy Onu edits Kathy Uno. :) mother nature letter art
letter art examples : turn a phrase into anagram name :
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~ art using name letters words phrases ~
~ art using name letters word ~
axiom phrases : axioms phrase : using letters from one word
: using letters for words :
codes and anagrams
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: art using letters :
nature's wordings
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naming artwork :
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: artists using letters words : see the Star Art of MOTHERS
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: using letters from words to show meanings :
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: where can i make name art ? :
artists using word and image
: fine art anagram : anagram fine arts :
anagrams fine arts : fine art anagrams
: anagrams fine art : fine art lexigrams :
Poems about Nature using Scenic words
: poems using science words :
~ The phrase; knowing the power of God's word ~
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: definition lexigrams examples :
anagram guidelines
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: decode anagrams :
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axioms of science
: Lexigram games :
\/ anagrams word itself \/
Ars Magna = Anagrams :
Ars Magna means, The Great Art, in Latin
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: wordings about nature :
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^^ see the axioms above ^^
gods source of power on earth
: god letters anagrams : gods letters :
: letter of god : yod : letters of god :
" the source of god's power on earth "
^ see below ^
letters used for words
: using letters that spell a word is called ? answer is anagramming
first letters that spell a word are called : See acrostic
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: artwork using names :
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words made from names
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Lexigram Name :
Lexigram Word :
Lexigram laws : laws of the Lexigram :
anagram word art : Lexigram website
how to anagram word to name :
also see the Axioms of the Lexigram
Lexigrams website : You found us.
: Lexigram anagram server :
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^ do an internal search ^
: starlightexpressions : 2008
^ The StarLight Expressions is the name of THE GIFT. ^
: your name in word art form : lexigram name readings :
Meaning is hidden within the letters of your name. :

Are you seeking the answer to the quest : The Name Game (george bush), without notes.
The George Bush Name Game, with notes.

On May 10th, 2006, this page began to be visited by those seeking answers on the internet search engines for this :
10 May, Wed, 09:52:43 Google: Anagram of The Source of God's Power on Earth
10 May, Wed, 10:07:44 Google: the source of gods power on earth anagram
10 May, Wed, 10:30:20 Google: anagram of the source of gods power on earth
10 May, Wed, 10:41:54 Google: anagram source of gods power on earth
10 May, Wed, 13:08:03 Google: the source of gods power on earth anagram
10 May, Wed, 13:10:23 Google: the source of gods power on earth+anagrams
10 May, Wed, 14:13:12 Google: God's source of power on Earth anagram
10 May, Wed, 19:19:04 Google: anagram for the source of gods power on earth
10 May, Wed, 20:09:42 MSN Search: anagram The Source of God's Power on Earth
11 May, Thu, 03:22:48 Google: source of gods power on earth anagram
11 May, Thu, 03:29:11 Google: art using words

Our answer to this query of God's source of power on earth is a quote from the manuscript,
The StarLightning Express : Letters Let Seer See : The Nature of the Lexigram

"In the beginning is the Word, prior to the word is the Breath, with the breath is the Still, Quiet Love, Unformed and Unnamed, Amen." - Kathy Onu

But, that is not the ' perfect anagram ' answer that is being sought.

We provide three answers to the quest for the perfect anagram of : Source of God's Power On Earth

The totality of letters used  :: The Perfect Anagram of : SOURCE OF GODS POWER ON EARTH
acdeeefghnoooooprrrsstuw : source of gods power on earth
ollpuha sequenced : 20060511
acdeeefghnoooooprrrsstuw : rune : root : as word of speech go : by Kathy Uno
acdeeefghnoooooprrrsstuw : word of speech orate our song : by Kathy Uno
acdeeefghnoooooprrrsstuw : a poet cheer our song of words : by Kathy Uno

The source of God's power ? The same as the source of our power ... in Word.

"In the beginning is the Word, prior to the word is the Breath, with the breath is the Still, Quiet Love, Unformed and Unnamed, Amen."
~ Kathy Uno : Letters Let Seer See

I define Star Arts as :
the physical renderings of the eternal truths from within the names and words themsElves, with the anagrams of their letters creating lines of meaning using the art and science of the Lexigram.

My name, in pen is, Kathy Onu

Resource page for Anagrams, Lexigrams, Palindromes
Definitions clearly defined, examples of Lexigrams, examples of perfect anagrams, and more.

The axioms showing in the anagrams of science words can reveal the higher awareness reality of a thing or a think.

axioms of
science : in science is i see : sic :
in sciences is i see sense

I See In SCIENCES Is ~ Sense Is Seen
Scenic See Is In SCIENCES I See
Sense Is Seen In SCIENCES
I See Nice Sense Is In

Lover's Star Arts Trail Artist Codes : Dancers

You are also on the Healing Artist Codes Trail : Laughers
You have found the God Codes on our site,
and from here, we invite you to continue on the "God Codes" Trail:
The Axioms of the Lexigram Star Arts

You have found the Nature's True Words Trail.
The trail continues with the Star Art of NATURE.

You have also started the Healing Artist Codes Trail : Laughers

This Perfect Anagram of yOUR NAME IN ART was handcrafted by Kathy Uno on 20061219
See another perfect anagram of YOUR NAME IN ART

You can have your Name Art rendered in Lexigram form from Good Works On Earth

You can see another perfect anagram of Your Name In Art at the Star Art of CELESTIAL

We Are Good Works On Earth

Anchoring the Lights of Love of Peace On Earth Good Will All
We thank you for your contributions and donations in unique ways.
This work is freely shared because of your donations.

Scientific Axioms of the Lexigram :
Guidelines to the Axioms of the Art and Science of the Lexigram

Anagram, Lexigram and Palindrome Resource Page

The Star Art of FREEDOM

Artists Using Letters

Investigators Make Name Anagrams into Lexigrams

Missing Persons Information re the Lexigram

Our Internal Search Page

Nature Art Work Names

Nature Artwork Names

This is the Lexigrams, How to page #1 : Lexigrams, How to Page #2

Lexigrams, How to Page #3

This is a Star Art of EARTHLINGS
This is aAnagrams, Lexigrams, Palindromes
This is a Peace On Earth Good Will All website

This is the Lover's Star Arts Trail

We are the home of the Letters Settler

Home of the Book of Creations Eternal
Home of the Book of Names Eternal
Home of the Book of Sequences




JUNE's Anagrams

YA ~ A MA MAY ~ AY !


Anagrams of FEBRUARY

The Anagrams of JANUARY

Blessings Be and ..

Thank You for your caring and sharing kind kin Love best you know ..

Kathy Onu, nee Uno
The Letters Settler

This page was last updated in some way on 20240112
Previous updates: 20241231, 20171209, 20130812, 20051213

Hear the Voicings of the Star Arts in AMERICANS

View Permalink

Note of 20241231

Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade of 900+ pages, by hand and eye, codes and texts and links, etc.
Please know aboout 100 pages are now fully updated, but ..
Those working pages may lead to pages not yet updated with broken links.
That was an error, we now check every link before we update a page and we are correcting this.
As a result, all pages at our site are subject to update at any time.
We will endeavor to keep all page links meaningful and valid after this lengthy upgrade.
We Support The Open Net
We Support Net-Neutrality
We Support Open Source Code
the Sequencers Services are provided by Good Works On Earth
a 501(c)3 charitable, educational, and research nonprofit organization.