Shoshone Prayer for America on Thanksgivings

DATED Invitation
Historical / Herstorical :

Calling Awarenesses
Native America Elders Seek to Share with You
Gatherings Begin March Thirty-One : Stewart Mineral Springs
Ceremony : Mt. Shastina : Four AM April One Two Thousand Seven
200704010400pst : All the Details with Links

The book, A Trip to the Stars, by Nicholas Christopher is prefaced
with a quote from the ascetic and poet mystic, Hasan of Basra:

 I saw a child carrying a light.
   I asked him where he had brought it from.
    He put it out, and said:
     'Now you tell me where it is gone.'

' By meditation upon light and upon radiance,
knowledge of the spirit can be reached

and thus peace can be achieved .'
~ Patanjali

A name, Jerome Davis, created a name : the Gandhi Peace Award
Conceived in the 1940's by Dr. Jerome Davis, founder of the organization, Promoting Enduring Peace.

A quote from a man who awoke to the essence of understanding.

'You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality.
Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.'
-- Malcolm X  (1925 - 1965)

'Tis strange - but true; for truth is always strange; Stranger than fiction
       - Lord Byron, British poet, Don Juan, 1819

Our thank you to the Word Spy for their observations.
With that thought in mind ... how truth is stranger than fiction,

Treat yoursElf to an awakening of just where we are ...
I share with you that I was fortunate to be able to attend a week
long Gateway Voyage with Bob Monroe and his merry serious
crew in Faber, Virginia many years ago.
He shared with us a slide show wherein each image
was ten times bigger, or smaller than the previous image. The views
took you from the farthest reaches of our imaginations of what
'outer space' looked to be when looking towards Mother Earth
and her sun, and from there, slowly into view came a speck
shown as our sun and then earth became visible, then it
progressed down through the clouds to the buildings we
were in and then ... into the nano world and oh my gosh!
you got to see how the smallest of the small reflects the largest of the large.

You can now see something similar, and we highly recommend
your viewing this web page. Let it load, if need be ... the
sequencings and the images are awakening, healing, and
give one a viewpoint of our 'realities.'  Peace Be ....

'View the Milky Way at 10 million light years from the Earth.
Then move through space towards the Earth in successive
orders of magnitude until you reach a tall oak tree just outside
the buildings of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in
Tallahassee, Florida. After that, begin to move from the actual
size of a leaf into a microscopic world that reveals leaf cell walls,
the cell nucleus, chromatin, DNA and finally, into the subatomic
universe of electrons and protons.'

On another note ... nature ebbs and flows ...
Why is it men and women in corporatists mode cannot see the
utter wisdom of bringing activities to stop and rest and quietly
doing no action, in the ebbing and flowing of creative endeavors?
I have long imagined and hoped for the days when men and women
awaken to the stand down awareness .. where all is quiet, peace
is real in sounds stilled, and repairs and creations and producings
can begin anew and breathe their doings and then again, in a
time suitable, come to rest and allow peaceful relaxations for
all about.

'Rhythm is the basis of life, not steady forward progress. The forces of creation, destruction, and preservation have a whirling, dynamic interaction.'
~ Kabbalah

MARS : mirrors WARS in the M & W ... and so too in the lore.

Mars : 'Contrary to all of the hype and misinformation,
Mars is not a masculine planet of war,  anger, aggression
and dysfunctional relationships between men and women.
Mars is a planet that bathes the Solar System with the
Divine Love of our Mother God-the Sacred Fire Breath
of the Holy Spirit.'
~ Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Words are indeed more powerful than previously known
or even imagined by the eastern and northern and southern
and western minds. While all religions of few or no lies will share
the truth of the axiomatic fact that sound creates, and in the
beginning WAS the word, not one religion shared the fact that
the words are encoded beyond the DNA's capabilities to
create, for in the beginning IS the Word, (sound)(vibration).
Prior to the word, you ask?
The Breath. What powers the breath, you ask?
The Quiet, Still Love, Unnamed and Unformed.
From the stillness, comes all.

Be Still, and Know ... Thou Art Goddess/God/Love ..
Imaging and perceiving, as ears hear, yee eyes see, and knowing.
Change a belief, the perceptions change.
It truly is a magical mystery tour of our own cocreations with Love.

We are all one, and the stillness, the clear quiet of
meditation reveals this to be fact.  Heaven on earth
within our sElves, and within our words we speak from
the heart, and if from the mind alone, it is different in power.
Much weaker to be precise.
The lies of the corporatist traitor minded fall with a dull thud when spoken.
The truth rings the universes.
Those with ears that hear know this to be true.

The decodings of the DNA will allow man to transmit information
through the proteins. It has already been done, it is proven, and this
is an understanding of this magical creation we find oursElves imagining
within. On this note, read the 'bottom line' conclusion in this next
communication, and ponder the author's sentence well, for this is
what the whales and dolphins have already done.
They are indeed holding the dream real for us. And us for them ??
Are we caring about them ???
As much as they care for us in their soundings ??

This is from Sir Peter Gersten : Attorney

Below is an amazing article. The fact that 'human DNA'
also acts as a 'biological Internet' is presumptive evidence
of our cosmic programming. The fact that our 'genetic code,
especially in the apparently useless 90%, follows the same
rules as all our human languages,' is conclusive evidence
of it. The fact that 'living chromosomes function just like
solitonic-holographic computers using the endogenous
DNA laser radiation' is 'beyond a reasonable doubt'
evidence of it.

'And would any intelligent scientist think that 90% of our DNA is 'junk'?

Bottom Line: Whatever we have created with technology,
could have been created without it using group consciousness.

Could that be the reason our species is kept divided?
'Instead of using fiber optics to send words and pictures through
space from one set of wires to another, hyper-communication
uses DNA to communicate with other DNA within the universe.'

I say grow hemp, the highest protein plant food available to us.

The following words are the speakings of TAWA as hosted
by C.R. Fletcher on November 8th, 2003 in Polson, Montana,
near the Flathead Lake.  There were sixteen people present,
including the Host of TAWA.

Tawa Communication
 November 8, 2003 - Saturday - 1:50 P.M. - 2:55 P.M.
 Present : Douglas, Dave, Gloria, Natascha, Jimmie Sue,
 Ben, Shatari, Dan, Teresa, Frank, Candy, Gabe, Glenn, Rebekah,

TAWA : What does the human strive for in life?
The joy of living, the joy of viewing others that are loved by the
individual, walking in a life of happiness, attempting to give to
others, the joy of life attempting to give the love from and to
others. God's love dwells within you to give it away.  To hold
upon that walk as one as the greatest that shall be given to you,
the love of God shining within your eye. Your own knowledge to
yourself stating to yourself, 'You are a child of God.'

When one understands the importance of that small statement,
one understands the life -- the life giving forth with the fountain of love
-- a fountain that never runs dry. Constantly flowing amongst all of you.
Listen to the words that are passed from one to the other.
Feel the love that dwells within the word and feel the concern that
dwells within the word. The words come from one to the other.
Each one of you speaking words to others. Unbeknownst to you,
love surrounds your words. No matter your feeling upon the interior,
love is surrounding your words because you are a child of God in a
knowing form. All humans upon your earth are children of God, but
they are unaware that they are children of God. You are aware,
and being aware, you carry that love, no matter your choice of
the interior thought. It is there with you, drowning the harshness
within the life, taking it away. One moment please.
(10 seconds lapsed).

When you speak to each other with knowledge within, you give
of that knowledge to the other one -- to the one listening and the
one absorbing the words that are given, words of knowledge
and words of love, words of concern and words of care -- all
words and yet the human gives forth with the feeling that gathers
upon the words when the wish is there, the desire is there. To
hold upon the words from the teachers, as they come to all of
you, they come as one, and they grow as one. As you walk
within your life, you dwell within a life that shall come to the fore,
and you shall understand far beyond your own imagination now.
The human thought can conjure fixtures and film and pictures,
an action beyond the choice of any other living being. The
imagination of the human, and yet, your coming life will
surpass your imagination. Allow that, expect it -- for your words
to form within your mind to form within your life to form within as
a sight before you. Allow yourself to understand the life.

Each one of you leading a different life, each one of you with
feelings of a different mode within, each one touching in a
different strength, and all of you combined give forth with an
enormous power of a spiritual source. When you hold hands,
you touch and you carry through your arms and your bodies to

The silent prayer or the one that is vocal, no matter the choice,
the mental choice is there. Some give forth with thoughts that
are beyond the prayer. They give thoughts of knowledge --
knowledge searching and gathering to bring forth the meaning
of tomorrow. Why does one suffer so much and the other not
suffer at all? It is the view of the eye. One suffers with the body,
and one suffers with the mind. One suffers with the walk, and
one suffers with the thought. Each one in a different mode.

There is no need for yourself to concern yourself with the thoughts
that dwell within others. Place your thoughts upon the fore and
allow all thoughts to dwell with each -- thoughts of the love of God
-- thoughts of the life itself, the walk that leads each one, as you
awake within the morn and you rise from your bed, you walk
through the day. Some feeling that walk of power, some
feeling that walk of disdain, some feeling that walk of joy,
some feeling that walk of sorrow. The walk is so different
for so many and yet you all lead to the same spot, the same
location. When you give thought to a particular action of such,
where does it take you? What is this pursuit that drives you
through life? It is a pursuit to give love to others, to carry love
within yourself for yourself. Love yourself as a human and
love yourself as a spirit and love yourself as a soul.
You are all three. Allow yourself to understand who you are
within the spiritual choice of yourself. You derive within your
own mind your own walk. You derive your own ideas, your
own perception. You see in a different manner than others.
You hear in a different manner than others. You define the
choice of words in a different manner than others. When
one states a word, it can be a word of many meanings,
and yet, one meaning is meant for you and others holding
on the other meanings. To hold within your life the secrets
of your life, secrets within your mind that are not secrets at
all. They are all known, yet the human believes within self
thoughts within the mind are solely thoughts that are known
by the individual unless they are voiced. Not so. God looks
within each one of your minds and understands you implicitly,
to the very marrow of your bones, to the very touch of the feet
upon the walk, to the feelings within your (heart's ear), to hold
upon your mind as one to gather within yourself the truth of
yourself. No love is greater than the love that dwells within
each one of you. To concern yourself with that love,
concern yourself with the words within yourself. As you
give words to others understand the meaning of the word
yourself and allow the full meaning to be understood by the
one hearing the words. A different implication can be had by
words themselves, to hold within the actions of life, the different
acts within life.

TAWA : As hosted by C.R. Fletcher
Polson, Montana on 20031108

We suggest you do not 'strive' so much and instead intend and imagine
as you wish it to be, speaking your intentions, your views and your
wishes quite clearly. If you strive for something, it means you claim
you do not have it and you have to 'strive' for it.
Do you see the power of this ??

Yeshua ben Joseph said to be clear about your prayers, and [ healing prayer ]
Ask, and believe it is yours already, even before you have finished asking,
and it shall be given. Be grateful before it arrives, knowing your words
words to God/Goddess/Love are heard and the universes are aligning the responses to you.

Allow for it to happen, expect the miracles, expect the best
to arrive as you cocreate with others best you know to do so.
Peace reigns upon ye.

We share the following to make a connection:
When we speak, we vibrate the universes with sound.
When we imagine, we vibrate the universes with light.
The universal Love Awarenesses hear, and see.

We share the following to make a correction.
We had one of Bennie's email addresses wrong.
The below is all correct.

'Thank you for your attention, and prayers, and please respond to:'

Bennie E. LeBeau, Eastern Shoshone
Wind River Indian Reservation (Ft. Washakie in Wyoming)
2331 Oak Lane
Riverton, Wyoming 82501
307 857-6856
[email protected]
[email protected]

'Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons.'
~ Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)

'Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior
to all other countries because you were born in it.'
~ George Bernard Shaw (1856 -1950)

Bless your Holy Days,

Kathy Onu, nee Uno
Keeper of the Words Sword
Peace On Earth Good Will All

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Note of 20241231

Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade of 900+ pages, by hand and eye, codes and texts and links, etc.
Please know aboout 100 pages are now fully updated, but ..
Those working pages may lead to pages not yet updated with broken links.
That was an error, we now check every link before we update a page and we are correcting this.
As a result, all pages at our site are subject to update at any time.
We will endeavor to keep all page links meaningful and valid after this lengthy upgrade.
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