a sharing from the manuscript
Letters Let Seer See
I tell you true, I no longer believe in miracles.
I know miracles are real.
Forgive me for appearing to become "religious."
... from the letters
.... and more can be revealed ....
Copyright 1999/2001/2003
Star Arts from, Good Works On Earth
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Do the above two need a wee bit of explanation? The word miracle tells us to claim a lie real. The word believe tells us, I be, I live. One way I know to explain this is to refer to the master, Jeshua of Nazareth. He said when we pray (meditate), we should go into our closet, shut the door and pray to the One Source in secret...and that which we pray for we are to believe it is ours already, and it shall be. We are told to believe we have it already...to live a lie. For Jeshua to claim he could heal the sick was a lie to the people of that time. (They believed no one could do these things and so the lie they believed prevented them from healing themselves and others.) And yet the master did it. And did Jeshua not claim a lie to all those who witnessed him turn water into wine? It was a lie to those folks for anyone to claim such things. Yet Jeshua knew the power of the Word, He was centered in Love and so claimed his lies real. Jeshua knew the power of the spoken word, and the powers of the belief systems of others. In the current belief system of those living in the time of Jeshua of Nazareth, it was a lie that anyone could do what Jeshua was doing. He claimed a lie, he believed it was his before he had it and he claimed the miracles real. And he also told us we would do what he has done and more. I believe the promise of these words, and in truth and Love I claim the power of these words. They work.
How is that for the .. and a bit more .. ?!!
Have you ever noticed in BELIEF is : I BE, ELF I BE, I BE ELF.
I BE LIEF. (say as leef; leaf.)
Lief means: "readily and willingly."
I be, readily and willingly.
lief : (say it same as leef, as a leaf)
adverb. liefer, liefest (leefer, leefest
1. Readily; willingly: I would as lief go now as later.
adjective. liefer liefest Archaic
1. Beloved; dear.
2. Ready or willing.
[Middle English leve, lef dear, willingly from Old English lof dear
The best description we have read recently regarding the causes of creation
and the existence of the veil is given by the
Elohim in a channeling by Wynn Free, which
we share on our site at the link.
The Words Sword
The Star Arts of the Words Sword
If you are looking for the Thanksgiving Anagrams,
please see our
The Search : some words meaning miracle : same word meaning miracles
Our answer are the trianagrams of MIRACLE in a sentence :
MIRACLE CLAIMER RECLAIM a miracle era real - kathy onu
To have a
miracle come real, first you must claim the miracle to have come real.
Wonder of Wonders, you can claim miracles are real, and a miracle is a
and a wonder is another word for miracle. - ko
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