We share with you the Name Art of ALBERT EINSTEIN, in Lexigram form from Good Works On Earth.
You can see that all of the words in the Name Art are spelled using only those letters spelling the name itsElf ..
All who have studied the works of Al knows the feelings of sitting on his imaginary train sitting still in space
and the train next to it begins to move, or is it the train you are sitting on with Al that is moving ... he set the
train's rates to see relativity in both thought and physical.
'God not only plays dice ..
He also sometimes throws the dice where they cannot be seen.'
~ Stephen Hawking
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Key Words
albert einstein, arts, stars, able, seer, listen, silent, trains,
rest, rates, realities, restrates, alien, lie, anile, senile, anile, lies,
god, plays, dice, lexigrams, names, artings, words, arted, star arts,
anagrams, earthlings healings, miracles, inspiring, poetry,
ascension, freely, shared,
Description: Good Works On Earth
Researches and shares the art and science of the Lexigram and its revealings
and shares that the power of the word is far greater than we have been led to believe,
or allowed to imagine.
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Name Art of ALBERT EINSTEIN : You are here.
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