Best God Named Dog Story Ever Edited, from Good Works On Earth

The Best God Named Dog Story Ever Edited
by, Kathy Onu, nee Uno

Subject: The best God named Dog Story ever edited.
    (Humor or True Tunes ?? You decide.)
  Date:  Tue, 25 Dec 2001 08:43:39 - 0800
  From : Kathy Onu : Good Works On Earth

On the first day of creation, God created a small animal with a cold nose, a long tail and wet tongue. The tail and the tongue tickled Her to no ends. She sat pleased upon Her waters with this, among Her first creations. From this, all else followed.

On the second day of creation, God and her mirrored images all, created man to play with the animal She adored so much, her first creation upon her waters.

On the third day of her evolving and Loving creations, she created the animals of the earth to romp with the man and Her first creation.  Late in the day, She created the horse, the elephants, the elephant whales, and the lynx to round out the mix, all the while the dolphins swam in the night's skies and with the solar rays, dreaming animals. Birds flew. Fish swam.

On the fourth day, God and her co-creators all in the lighted images had by then created more stars than any one man or woman could count or see and so She and her each all rested, silent with their breaths exhaling her expansions.  The man dreamed; the animal chased the dreams. All is well in all the universes. She inhales.

God yawned on the fifth day upon her awakening. Inspired by her dreams, She created the tennis ball so that the animal might or might not retrieve it.

On the sixth day, God and her co-creators and co-creatresses, along with the dog all romp and play and cocreate with her with their imaging awarenesses with Love's energies.  With Her mind stuff, each and all cocreated eternity in infinite design.  Goddess breathed with happiness always, for each co-creator and co-creatress created with Love, as designed in the dreamings.  Their days of creation are eternal with Her Love, for Her Love is the source of the breathings of all about.

On the seventh day, Man tried to rest, but the animal with the cold nose wanted to go for a walk.  Goddess Love had already made the earth and sky, the flowers and the trees, the animals, the fish, the birds, and bees, and when She was finished, not one image was quite the same. She felt it was all very good, so She created the hot bath, some candles and the fine wines as she relaxes. Goddess/God/Love, aka Creator/Creatress, aummed Her Oms and she felt it was nice. The next day Goddess spoke anew, "I'll walk this world of mine with man and give to man, of each creation dreamed, a name to speak so he can know the animals, arts, trees and stars within."

And so She traveled far and wide, and everywhere She went, Her first animal created followed her in Her everywHere, hearing the names She thought, and men and women spoke. Her words, her letters, were of her own design of her own hands in sign she knew to sign. When all were named upon the earth and in the sky and sea, the little creature said, after hearing all of Goddess' sounds, "Dear Master, there's no name left for me." Kindly She leaned over and touched the animal's nose, saying; "As man was among the first to be named, though not the first creation, I've left your name to be sounded by my breath to the end, my friend. I have held this name in my dreamings ever since I created you in first images with my other sElfs as women. I honor you my faithful creation, with my name. I have turned My Own Name back to front, calling you, DOG, my friend."   And in the distance She and her hound heard a sound ... a woman on earth calling out her hound's name; "Come here God Dog, come here girl, I've got a tennis ball!"

Amanuensis and Editor : Kathy Onu, nee Uno

You are on the Nature Word Trail

We added this note on 20050321 :
From the book, The Mother Tongue, by Bill Bryson - Page 75

"#3 Words Are Created
Often they spring seemingly from nowhere. 
Take dog.  For centuries the word in English was hound (or hund).
Then suddenly in the late Middle Ages, dog - a word etymologically unrelated to any other known word - displaced it.
No one has any idea why."

Why God Named Dog her own name backwards ... the story of God and Dog on Earth.
Instructions for properly hugging a human baby...
1. First, spy a baby.

2. Second, be sure that the object you spied was indeed a baby by employing classic sniffing techniques.
If you smell baby powder and the wonderful aroma of wet diapers this is indeed a baby. baby&dog

3. Next you will need to flatten the baby before actually beginning the hugging process.
**Note: The added slobber should help in future steps by making the "paw slide" easier. dog&baby

4. The "paw slide" - Simply slide paws around baby and prepare for possible close-up. dog&babyhug

5. Finally, if a camera is present, simply "hug, smile, and lean" so as to achieve the best photo quality.

Dogs, if this is properly done, it will secure you a warm, dry, climate-controlled environment for the rest of your life.
Good luck to all of you!

I Sign This,

Goddess Love
The above is almost exactly what was shared by, On The E with Ruth Lee on 20060828.
We edited the above for easier sharing with the good god dog and baby images.
We added the signature as Goddess Love as no author was shown.
If you are the original author, and or photographer, please contact us for credit.

Would you enjoy donating to a non-profit organization with a purpose of being a ..
"non-profit solely dedicated to providing free veterinary services, food, and supplies for the pets of people who are homeless in our community." no matter where it is located?

We can tell you from experience, is helping the animals, and the humans who depend on them for their survival. Can we ask you to surprise Pro-Bone-O with a donation from out of the blue? You can call them directly and ask how you can help at 541-799-0441, they are located in Lane County, Oregon. You can send them a check:

PO Box 1823
Eugene, OR 97440

Visit them at for ideas and ways to help them help the animals living on the street with their humans.

Thank You for caring.
Here are our a few of our messages from prior years ... quite a bit different from the above!

Merry Christmas Message 1998
Merry Christmas Message 1999
Merry Christmas Message 2000

Blessings Be On yOur Holy Days....
Peace Be, and good will within all for all,

Will I AM
Executive Director
Good Works On Earth

The following was posted here on 20061208
A sharing from On the E with Ruth Lee

Subj:  Creation Explained (sic)

On the first day, God created the dog and said:
"Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years."
The dog said: "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?"
So God agreed.

On the second day, God created the monkey and said:
"Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life span."
The monkey said: "Monkey tricks for twenty years? That's a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like the Dog did?"
And God agreed.

On the third day, God created the cow and said:
"You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer's family.
 For this, I will give you a life span of sixty Years."
The cow said: "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty years, and I'll give back the other forty?"
And God agreed again.

On the fourth day, God created man and said:
"Eat, sleep, be gay of life, play well together, marry those who Love and enjoy your life. For this, I'll give you twenty years."
But man said: "Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my twenty, plus the forty the cow gave back,
  the ten the monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?"
"Okay," said God, "You asked for it."

So that is why for our first twenty years we eat, sleep, gaily play and soulfully enjoy ourselves.
For the next forty years we slave in the sun to support our family.
For the next ten years we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren.
And for the last ten years we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.
Life has now been explained to you. 
  - Author Unknown at this time.

Note of 20080111 : We are now in the process of editing the story above, and will be doing so over time.
    - Kathy Onu, nee Uno, Editor of the original Creation Esplained as sent to us so long ago.
To see the best source of the original, we offer you this ...
    Best verification source : off-site:

Folks around the world really do search for how the dog was named. Here are two examples :
I will give you my name, god dog
a dog named god : god named a dog
the story of god making the earth
Are you seeking God On Earth ?
See what the words of creations have wrought.

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Home of the Letters Settler
Home of the Book of Names Eternal
We are a Home of the Goddess Channelers
These Name Arts are of the Mary Magdalene Oneness Channelings

Blessings Be and ..

Thank You
Kathy Onu, nee Uno
The Letters Settler

  This page was last updated in some way on 20250208
Prior updates: 20241103, 20220331, 20171209, 20121225,
20100131, 20081108, 20050321, 20021019, 20011225

JUNE's anagrams


MARCH Anagrams

Anagrams of FEBRUARY

Have you read the Star Art of AMERICANS
North Americans, South Americans, Eastern Americans,
Western Americans or Central Americans ...
It's a scream, as Americans care ...
It's a song in the songster's care.
Can an anthem heal the hate ?
Can a ballad suspend time ?
A healing anthem can ..
An able ballad can ...

Hear the Voicings of the Star Arts in

Note of 20241231

Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade of 900+ pages, by hand and eye, codes and texts and links, etc.
Please know aboout 100 pages are now fully updated, but ..
Those working pages may lead to pages not yet updated with broken links.
That was an error, we now check every link before we update a page and we are correcting this.
As a result, all pages at our site are subject to update at any time.
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