You can see that all of the words used in the Star Arts of GRATEFULNESS and GRATITUDE
are spelled using only those letters spelling the words themsElves ...
these arts are gifts of the stars and they are called, Lexigrams.
Introduction to the Lexigram
Beautiful images are loading on this page ...
Imagine Ye Be an Angel of Gratefulness ..
Enjoy a bit of patience while reading ...
And please, adjust your screen for ..
Your easiest readings
of the
Star Arts
Including the showing of Thanksgiving Anagrams
afterlife : it's all an afterlife, folks. poof in poof out la dy di
Growing hemp in America is healing our lands : 20040830
Organic Hemp and Organic Marijuana is now certified in one location in America.
More to follow : Dated 20050225
Organic Certification of Cannibas Sativa is becoming a reality in Oregon.
Hemp growing is now happening in 'secret' test sites in America.
This is industrial hemp, the kind our ancestors knew so well.
Are you paying police to kill people who grow hemp, which
heals Mother Earth's dirts and allows her to have
her deep breaths in her breathings ???
Ponder well, America, where you pay
your energies .. Mother Earth is
choking because she cannot
easily breathe. Hemp all
over America can heal
her breath in no time.
Update 20050411
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The following short Lexigram Star Art of the Letters AELNPT,
are a gift of Love ... there are those who have written that
Mother Earth is a penal planet ... we respond in the
Mother Earth is an Emerald Gem of the Universes
She is in the birthings of her ascension,
as are we making a leap into the
lights of Love with her.
This is from the letters, AELNPT :
A Planet Leap Plan :
Plant A Plant, Pal :
Eat A Plant :
A Pal Ate A Plant :
A Pal Leapt A Leap :
A Planet Plan A Leap :
A Planet Leapt A Leap
Notice :
Sone Game #1 Winner is Angela Hoppe of Alaska.
Thank you, Angela, for finding the one word
in George Bush's Name Art that he has
acted as, and yet he is not that.
Our gratefulness to Angela
was shown by our
sending her our
gifts of the
Star Arts
The word sought in the Name Art was MASTER, which cannot be in the name.
The Second Winner of Sone Game #1 is Faye Miller of Ohio on 20070214.
Sone Game #1 is now closed.
We invite you to view a snippet of our Top Ten List
We share a few of the web pages at Good Works On Earth
that are in the top ten results lists at various search engines :
With commentary, and a few other Star Art's sharings
you won't see anywhere else upon our site.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
PSYCHOLOGY & PSYCHIATRYFrom the Word Spy - Friday, February 13, 2004
gratitude research: noun : Scientific studies that examine how feelings of gratitude and thankfulness affect a person's emotional well-being.
Example Citations:
He dives into the delightfully named fields of 'happiness math' and 'forgiveness studies.' According to the data, once people reach a threshold of about $10,000 a year per person, money has little to do with contentment. People are happy if they are optimistic, grateful and forgiving. He quotes an expert in gratitude research: 'if you only think about your disappointments and unsatisfied wants, you may be prone to unhappiness. If you're fully aware of your disappointments but at the same time thankful for the good that has happened and for your chance to live, you may show higher indices of well-being.'
- - John Leland, 'Happiness Math,' The New York Times, February 8, 2004
Gratitude research is part of the growing field of positive psychology, which focuses on the strengths of human beings. In simple terms, it's an empirical test of counting one's blessings.
- - Jane Lampman, 'Gratitude grows as salutary habit,' Christian Science Monitor, November 28, 2003
Earliest Citation:
'Grateful people are happier, more optimistic, more satisfied with their lives,' says Michael McCullough, a University of Miami psychology professor. 'They are more empathetic toward others. We even have a bit of evidence that grateful people are viewed as kinder, more helpful and more supportive than less-grateful people.'
Gratitude has come under increased scientific study in the last five years, part of a trend in psychological research whose findings show the personal benefits of positive emotions.
'If you want a strategy to increase your happiness, there's a lot out there that will help. You can take pharmaceuticals like Prozac. But gratitude is something that doesn't have side effects,' said Robert Emmons, a psychology professor at the University of California at Davis who, with McCullough, conducted the most widely cited study on gratitude. ...
There's more to gratitude research than charting people's emotions to look for benefits.
The professors involved say the findings have potentially profound ramifications on society.
- - Jeff Diamant, "Your mind tends to thank you for feeling so thankful,"
The Star-Ledger, November 26, 2003
From the Web: link no longer works.
Words About Words:
My father spent the last 20 years of his life writing letters. If someone thanked him for a wedding present, he thanked them for thanking him and there was no end to the exchange but death. - - Evelyn Waugh, English novelist, letter, 1966
Copyright © 2004 Paul McFedries and Logophilia Limited
Relevant Star Arts
"In the beginning is the Word ...
prior to the word is the Breath ....
with the breath is the Still Quiet Love .....
Unformed and Unnamed."
We as Goddess and God have created a sacred language in such ways
that it provides us hints to Our Love sOurce being Our Us.
In the beginning is sound ....
The address of this page is :
Page Title :
The Word Arts of GRATEFULNESS & GRATITUDE in Star Arts form from Good
Works On Earth
Page Description :
All the words in the Lexigram Star Art of GRATEFULNESS
are spelled using only those letters spelling the word itsElf ... this is
a Lexigram.
Key Words :
gratefulness, grateful, greatful, gratitude,
healings, inspiring, poetry,
words, arts, stars, artings, moon, shadows, magazine, goodworks,
bumper, sticker, bumperstickers, gratefullness, greatfulness, greatful,
Samples of Actual Searches from Major Search Engines Resulting in Visitors
love spychology
: gratitude research :
aurora forest whales
: happy grateful article :
letters of gratitude
: feeling grateful articles :
activity for gratefulness
: salary increase gratefulness :
Gift others with abundance as you can
and watch what happens all about you.
: quotes about opportunity and gratefullness :
scientist quotations grateful thankful
quotes for gratefulness
: grateful for a gesture :
grateful writings
: words of gratefulness :
eight ways to make gratefulness permanent
~ how to be a grateful person ~
gratitude word searches
~ gratefulness, gratitude ideas ~
quotes on gratefullness
: quotes on gratefulness :
circles of gratefulness
: circle of gratefulness :
gratefulness words
~ swirling star art ~
Lexigram phrases
: angels of gratefulness :
gifts showing gratitude
~ meditation star ledger ~
meaning of the angel of gratitude
: words of gratitude gratefulness :
meanings of the letters of the word gratitude
The joys of this Star Art revealing will make your head spin.
One 20050121, January Twenty-First in Words ...
This Star Art is the only answer to the google search :
' Happy Grateful Study ' with quotations, and we
are answer #4 out of 1,120,000 without quotations.
For the record.
On 20051024 the Star Art of GRATEFULNESS is answer #8 to the query,
We point out to you ... in the letters of the word itsElf,
Plant your seeds of gratefulness deeds and see what sprouts.
Are you always paying it forward, or are you
always paying behind ?
And, is there a difference in how each affects you as a human being of
awareness ?
Good Works On Earth's Home Page :
Search Page : Star Art of GRATEFULNESS :
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Goddess :
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These copyright-protected works are published under master licenses held
by Good Works on Earth
All Rights ReServed World Wise :: Copyright :: All Wrongs ReVersed World
Good Works On Earth is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt,
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This is a Star Arts Net Site
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Welcome to the Web of Love
Blessings Be and Thank You
~ Kathy Onu ~
The Letters Settler
Good Works On Earth is a
501(c)3 tax-exempt,
charitable and
educational non-profit organization
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This is a Star Arts Net Site
This is the Star Art of GRATEFULNESS page
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We are the Letters Settler site
Welcome to the Web of Love
This page was last updated on 20191203
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20160320 to update material.
Updated on 20150717 to fix the world
.. It was missing its d from : inspiration in this worl.
.. repaired to : inspiration in this world.
Updated on 20140704 to
removed a discontinued service.
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Updated in some forgotten manner on 20121029.
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Words Showers YA, MAY, AY !
APRIL Word's Shower
MARCH Anagrams
Anagrams of FEBRUARY
Anagrams of JANUARY
Have you read the Star Art of AMERICANS
North Americans, South Americans, Eastern Americans,
Western Americans or Central Americans ...
It's a scream, as Americans care ...
It's a song in the songster's care.
Can an anthem heal the hate ?
Can a ballad suspend time ?
A healing anthem can ..
An able ballad can ...
The Star Art
The Song
Note of 20241018
Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade, page by page, all 900+ pages.
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We endeavor to keep all page links meaningful and valid.
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