You will notice all the words in the art of COMPLIMENT are spelled using only
those letters which spell the word itsElf.
If you are new to the art and science of the Lexigram, we invite you to our
Introduction to the Lexigram page.
Do you enjoy anagrams, palindromes and other magics with letters ?
We invite you to see these two web pages at Good Works On Earth.
1: Our page :
2: Our page : axiomsom.html
Miracles are imaginations coming real, without time involved as a judgmental
factor, ie. too long to occur, to fast to see, etc. - Kathy Uno
With that thought in mind, I offer you this writing by another :
" ... Since cooperation will replace competition, can government, industry and the people learn to work together as a team to meet the econ "omic" needs of our nation as well as each individual? Again, why not?
Yes, competition is great; but cooperation is even better. Cooperation avoids duplication of effort. Wouldn’t it be more efficient to have everybody freely working together, sharing ideas, thoughts and technical knowledge? Patents and industrial secrets would be a thing of the past. Competition, however, will still be around. Individuals will still compete with their co-workers in ideas, achievements, leadership and getting promotions."
This quote is from the commentary entitled : : Home of the Brave?
offsite link no longer active
Read his entire article, see what you think.
An observation on money by John Steinsvold :
"We are perfectly capable of conducting our internal economic affairs without the use of money. It is the way of life we are searching for. It is the American Dream come true for each individual.
What is the next step?
We must make 290 million Americans aware of the fantastic advantages of a way of life without money.
We may find 290 million skeptical Americans demanding to know more." - John Steinsvold
Read his full letter at : Open Letter to George Bush : offsite link
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Note of 20241006 Our .org site has not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
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