The Answer :
Note of 20090228 :
Executives best be seeing themsElves as Terra Corp Carers, for from Terra comes all that the corporate executives are sElfishly playing with and thinking they own, to the detriments of 'other' people.
Capitalism has its ails as it is a mal -ism.
To take from your brothers and sisters in false profits based on teachings of false prophets is insane and is causing our stresses on earth. Speaking of Stress with a capital S, Mother Earth is barely able to breathe at this time still, in early 2009, with the continuing destructions of her trees in her forests and the clear seas of her waters in oceans in motions.
LAME MALE CHEMICALS for profit, damn the natural life ... show me the patent and then I gets the money.
LAME MALE pHARMAceutical Lies Claim Cures Are Real
These patented chemical concoctions are now in our fish, from men and women's urines going through the sewer systems, into the rivers and bays and lakes.
Believe it, it's true.
LAME MALE Pesticides are Cause of Death and Suicide all over Mother Earth, but hey ! the patent owners and corporate rapers have their false profits.
LAME MALE CHEMICALS are inimical to life beyond even the nicest insect targeted. The deaths they cause flow onward in the circle of life.
Nowhere in the financial equations the accountants are so proud of is the Terra Core equation.
A Mother Earth Equation.
Corporately speaking, the Terra Corp Equation is a Mother Earth Equation ... the giving back to Mother Earth in healthful ways so she too can breathe with her breathing systems, be they ancient trees and her not so ancient trees, or her ancient seas we call oceans in motions, and her not so ancient lakes and other eternal waters.
A Mother Earth Equation would include empowering Mother Earth, along with the use of her resOURces, at the same time. No more, take now, pay later. Those are the words of the corporate raper, not a terra carer.
When do you think loggers will be quashed for what they are ...
All the corporate logger sees is money, no living creatures can they perceive. No bird nor bee matters as much to the logger as the 'money they consume' killing Mother Earth's trees.
Trees are amongst the most sacred entities upon Mother Earth, and to kill a tree, without its permission, is criminal high treason in the cosmic gig. When will the loggers ego's rise above money in awareness and see trees for the living vibrant beings of awareness that they truly are ?
Belief systems are powerful things, and if you have been taught it is okay to kill the cosmic gift of trees ... and the local town folks agree to this, for their false prophets say it is okay to chase after false profits while killing the creatures and plants of the planet, well then! and golly gee !! It's okay with your neighbors to kill awarenesses, so you go drive your cutters and loggers and such and destroy Mother Earth's lung material so you can have money. We do notice that loggers will stop cutting trees when the cutting gets too close to their hometown.
When will the rude log truck drivers stop being merchants of death ? Log truck drivers are the rudest and most unsafe drivers on the road, and this I write having many years experience on the roads of this great country. And no, I no longer own a vehicle of death for personal transportation of my body or things.
Mother Earth is our living breathing home, and we are choking her breathings in uncaring ways. My years of not 'jumping in the car' for any reason has been a wonderful personal contribution to healthy airs for Mother Earth and ME and THEE. I invite you to change your life so you can breath your own airs.
Note of 20050317 : The entire Pacific Northwest is now in Dust Bowl drought conditions, and yet, the loggers still cut our ancients and younger trees. These folks will fight hemp growing in America, so as to keep their killing machines going. Hemp dies for our use in one season's outrageous growth, hemp heals the very dirt it grows in and restores its life giving properties, and hemp can make any product we can make from wood, and hemp makes it better, including lumbers and oils.
The trees are living breathing awareness and know you are standing there about to kill it, dear logger, and you can't hear. You have eyes, yet cannot see, you have ears and yet your heart ear cannot hear the heart of mother earth, nor her trees whisperings. The earth's heart's beatings you do not hear blinds you to your greedful killings .. and this includes the corporate rapers who are signing your checks.
The Pacific Northwest, a rainforest of America, is dying. There is no snow on the mountains, because winter did not arrive here. The Pacific Northwest had a springy summer all winter long. No snowpack, no rainfalls, no dams filled, no wells replenished.
The Pacific Northwest is still killing their trees. If you view ariel photos of the states in the Pacific Northwest over years time, you see deathful destruction by the logger's hands, and by their machines for more rapid destructions than man's mere hands. More profits, you know. And the mills pay their people on the blood of the trees, and the stubby owners live in mansions made of the finest woods. These upright and uptight christian white males, they are all so proud of their God Chosen False Prophets in their earnings of their False Profits. They certainly do not take Mother Earth into their equations for the accountings of what they are creating upon and with Mother Earth.
We see the ancient trees are almost all gone .. and the loggers still say they want to cut the remainings. Any man or woman who will cut a 200 year old, 300 year old, or older tree for money without the tree's permission, is criminal. To the nth degree the person is a criminal in the universe of breathing trees, and Bubb, if you are a one who will kill for money, your days are going to become sandstorms, be you the logger, the corporate raper, the shareholder, the equipment operator.
Note of 20050317 : The entire Pacific Northwest is now in Dust Bowl drought conditions, and yet, the loggers still cut our ancients and younger trees. These folks will fight hemp growing in America, so as to keep their killing machines going. Hemp dies for our use in one season's outrageous growth, hemp heals the very dirt it grows in and restores its life giving properties, and hemp can make any product we can make from wood, and hemp makes it better, including lumbers and oils.
The trees are living breathing awareness and know you are breathing, seeing and standing, too.
Mother Earth still does not exist in the accountant's equations, save too few this day in early 2009.
This is to change, very quickly, in new economic sharings and new awareness of the empty sickness of consumption.
If you have any questions ... we invite you to see a new awareness in how this universe works.
The following is a snippet of the Book of Names, showing a few creations sequences :
.... snip ....
aaeeehkmmnoorrrttttu . MARKET TO MOTHER NATURE : compl_seq : 20090402
aaeehkmnorrrrtttuw . Mother Nature Artwork : compl_seq : 20060223
aehkmnorrtuw . Mother Nature Artwork : singu_seq : 20060223
aehkmnortu . MARKET TO MOTHER NATURE : singu_seq : 20090402
aehkmnortu . MARKET TO MOTHER NATURE : lense_seq : 20090402
aehkmnortuw . Mother Nature Artwork : lense_seq : 20060223
aehkmnrsty . private name : a master at the star arts, she hears the earth, yes, she hears her heart
aehkmnrsty . Lexigram => thy name means ye hear the earth heart, yes as ye share the heart, ye hear the heart. - Kathy Onu : 20090402
aehkmortw . artwork mother earth : singu_seq : 20061204
aehkmorrtw . mother earth artwork : lense_seq : 20061204
aaeehhkmoorrrrtttw mother earth artwork : compl_seq : 20061204
.... snip ....
The two trees express the lungs of the earth, the complement of our lungs.
The moon between them is much like the heart as it regulates the rhythmic systems of the earth such as the tides, menstrual cycles, and ancient calendars. The pond, like our mind, reflects the universe.
The waters need to be still for an image to appear.
The planet below the moon is its companion time keeper Saturn who influences the time cycles in our lives.
For a long time I have had this image with me and thought that the setting sun should be between the trees. On second thought, it seems to be more appropriate to have the moon as it indeed has the most influence on the pulse of the Earth's circulatory system; the rivers and the ocean currents.
There you have what makes us really alive: breathing pulsing and reflecting on it all.
Our thank you to Tim Hermach, the voice behind the Forest Voice.
Forest Voice is advocated a complete ban on the destructions of Mother Earth's lung material, the forests.
Tim is the President of the Native Forest Council, calling for the "Corporate Death Penalty."
We whole heartedly agree. Corporations that destroy mother earth should be killed dead,
corporate wise, entombed paper wise by the Corporate Troopers To kill Mother Earth is
corporate rape. We suggest their new jobs be to plant hemp across America, and
to clear her waters in every way beneficial to the waters and their life support.
The address of this page is :
Page Title :
CORPORATE Imaged in Star Arts Form from Good Works On Earth
Page Description :
We share an in-progress Star Art of CORPORATE, revealing core issues,
including how to deal with the corporate rapers. This is not the final art.
Description : Good Works On Earth
Researches the art and science of the Lexigram and shares that the power of the
word is far greater than we have been led to believe, or allowed to imagine.
Key Words :
corporate, image, corporate image, star art, lexigram, awakenings, healings,
rape, raper, poor poet, corporate rape, pare, reap, poet,
good business names
creating corporate names is an art and a science
Another small .. snip .. of the Book of Names
egurs . surge : term of ruse war use by george bush, scrubbed by Obama administration. 20090402
egurss . surges : term of ruse war use by george bush, scrubbed by Obama administration. 20090402
.. snip ..
Sources : several
Good Works On Earth's Home Page
Many days, our most visited page is :
Anagrams, Lexigrams, Palindromes and more
Note of 20241231
Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade of 900+ pages, by hand and eye, codes and texts and links, etc.
Please know aboout 100 pages are now fully updated, but ..
Those working pages may lead to pages not yet updated with broken links.
That was an error, we now check every link before we update a page and we are correcting this.
As a result, all pages at our site are subject to update at any time.
We will endeavor to keep all page links meaningful and valid after this lengthy upgrade.
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