This Star Art of INTERCOURSE we share below is called a Lexigram.
If you are new to the art and science of the Lexigram which shows the powers of the words we all use, we invite you read the Introduction to the Art and Science of the Lexigram.
The word, INTERCOURSE, means to communicate with another or others, and yes, to have intercourse means to have the experiencing of erotic secrets of Love revealed among us humans. After many years of researching the Lexigram it dawned on me to have a look-see into the sexual words.
The Star Art of INTERCOURSE is a result of those look-sees as shared below.
So that you can know ....
One line from the Star Art of HETEROSEXUALS reveals .. THE OTHER SEX AROUSE US, and so they do. There is a full page more revealed.
Two lines from the Star Art of HOMOSEXUALS reveals SAME SEXUAL SOUL HOME, SAME SEX AMUSE US, and a page more.
All of the words in the Star Art of INTERCOURSE are spelled using only those letters which spell the word itsElf.
We imagine we will plan a gallery where folks read the Star Arts of HETEROSEXUAL first, and when they see their own sexuality's revealed they then read the Star Arts of HOMOSEXUAL ... and for many, for the first time in their lives, they will experience a non-judgmental awareness for their brother or sister who is homosexual. If your gallery would like to share these three, or more Star Arts so as to share the awakenings and healings of our brothers and sisters all, younger and older, these are the times of the awakenings so please feel free to contact us with your interests in sharing Good Works On Earth's Star Arts.
With the Star Arts of Letters, we believe we can address the new query showing up of, brother and sister intercourse. Yes ... speak well with each other ... intercourse well indeed, for intercourse means to communicate with understandings. If you choose to engage in normal humane intercourse with your voice, you can know that your Love can make it the nicest thing imaginable, and that your interests in having sex with a brother or sister done with any less than Awake and Aware Cosmic Love Senses ... said another way ... if you are having sex with brothers or sisters or others in the family, or outside family on a just purely phsycial sensations basis .. you are close to the INSECT family in awareness. If you ever force your sex upon another either in your doings or your words and even moreso your brothers and or your sisters in physical family or not, you are the INSECT in awareness.
To force your sex upon another makes you the INSECT awareness. You are devolving yoursElf in awareness by abusing another.
Gentle Love is the NICEST, with gentle knowings all along. This gentle knowing Love brings in the NICEST sex. If you engage in INCEST ... the older can never force the younger in any way ... and the younger can be too young. If you don't care about that fact, you are again, the INSECT. This is a valid reason why states and nations and gods themsElves make a certain age where no man or woman can impress upon the younger, their sex.
If you go to countries where child sex is allowed to flourish against the child's will, you are arriving there as an INSECT awareness, amongst fellow INSECTS. It will not be the NICEST sex you are capable of knowing and experiencing, sexually speaking, so why go ? It will not serve you well mentally, or physically, or spiritually, nor the ones you pay to abuse, and lore dee lore dee, the child is a face of Love .. and you are doing what ??
To force your sex upon a child is beneath criminal, it is INSECTual. INSECT like, it is .. any crime of your forcings upon another makes you INSECT like, and below. To the Tartaruses with you, the Dogmatics would say. Tartarus is beneath and holds up the imagined hells that you are creating.
That being said, INCEST can be NICEST, no matter what the Doctrine Doers say. Pregnancy is not desired in the immediate DNA range of the family.
Family Love for wrong reasons can also make you feel like an INSECT. And if you are abusing and holding and threatening for your sex .. you are as an INSECT in awareness, and your INCEST is your source of your own undoings.
Tough to recover from, on everyone's part, abuser and abused.
Are you willing to spend your lifetimes as an INSECT below dirt ?
So, just do not do it.
Instead ... do this ...
See with Love
Serve with Love
Verse with Love
Said again, in a new verse's way of saying it ...
Imagine you are seeing Love's energies all about, in chaos, or harmony, it is all of Love.
How you see something with your mind's eye is how you see it in physical.
Act in life and living with Love in your heart and source of your actions for all all about, including, yes, sElf.
VERSE with LOVE. Eros Love is not always sexual in meaning. Love empowers all. Intercourse, speak, communicate, share, exchange with Love as your frame of reference with others.
So, with Sister and Brother already engaging in intercourse ... what is the answer ? And with children already engaging in their sexuality in innocence until a mad god dogma barker barks their judgements upon them ... What to do ?
Know this about INCEST.
From the letters of the word itsElf ...
It can take you to heaven as it is NICEST to Love your family in wondrous freedom and peace.
It can take you to hell as the INSECT that you are, if you abuse and control, hold and manipulate and threaten.
Same for those you engage with if you are sharing with anything less than Love of Souls Fully Aware As Can Be
No judge can fix a physical age of awareness.
In a nutshell ... the INCEST Art in Lexigram Star Arts form :
It Is Set : In INCEST Is .. It Is NICEST : Sin Isn't In It
~ or ~
It is an awareness thing.
Love is the enegery powering all energies.
Love is the One Source of All
Welcome to Mother Earth
All Angels Are Gentle
Until They Place
The Echoes
Upon the
Nae EARTHLINGS Angel will abuse a child nor an adult of Love.
At this time, the EARTHLING'S Angels are now echoing back to the abusers, their abuses, so they can clearly see their INSECTual crimes, be their crimes INCESTual, or violent, or other abuse upon another.
If you are reading this notice above, you can see this in physical reality at this time. Watch what is happening to those who abuse people .. they are getting their own echoes back, from their own universe itsElf.
Doubt not.
If you experience doubt, please see the Star Arts in EARTHLINGS
In many families, all the children sleep together, and their sexual awareness is very healthy. In the repressive homes, where subjects cannot be spoken or shared, these fears cause the crimes. A young person, a child if you will, who fully understands the miracles of their sex, will not abuse it.
Share these two sentences with yoursElf, and your children ... it keeps thems safe, male or female, in all ways.
Female :
Be as the GateKeeper at the Lips of Goddess Love, letting nothing pass which does not honor such a one.
Male :
Be as the GateKeeper at the Lips of Goddess Love, letting nothing pass which does not honor such a one.
Men have one set of lips to create with ... the lips at the gate of their voice.
Women have three sets of lips, all three birthe realities .. one with their voice and words, two with their Love and intercourse of wisdoms.
This is all a Goddess Art with her Birthing Sexual Letters
This is a
Star Arts Net Site
This is a
Peace On Earth Good Will All website
This is the Lover's Star Arts Trail
Welcome to the Web of Love
Home of the Letters Settler
Note of 20241231
Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade of 900+ pages, by hand and eye, codes and texts and links, etc.
Please know aboout 100 pages are now fully updated, but ..
Those working pages may lead to pages not yet updated with broken links.
That was an error, we now check every link before we update a page and we are correcting this.
As a result, all pages at our site are subject to update at any time.
We will endeavor to keep all page links meaningful and valid after this lengthy upgrade.
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