Abhishek Bhatta
Board Member
Software Engineer
Site Admin : goodworksonearth.net
Bishisht Bhatta
Board Member
Network Security Engineer
Site Engineer : goodworksonearth.org
Executive Director Apprentice
Melonie Rollin
Board Member
Secretary of the Board
Tammy Neighbors
Board Member
Treasurer Secretary
Almine Barton
Founding President of Good Works On Earth
January 31st, 1997 to July 9th, 2003
Retired with our deep Thank You.
Monk Madhi
Monk then became President of our Board of Directors until September 2nd, 2008,
and we thank him for his long holding the lights of Love in our work.
Rita Martino
President of Good Works On Earth
Board Member
September 2008 to June 2011
Martin J. Herak
Founding Board Member
Secretary - Good Works On Earth
Retired January 1997 to December 2013
Robert Charfauros
Founding Board Member
Good Works On Earth
Now Retired
I cannot thank this man enough for his early support and guidance.
Maria Lam
Board Member
Maria Lam
Board Member
Thank You, Maria, for your guidances and intuitions shared, and your inspirations.
Kathy Onu
Jeannie Emerson
Board Member 2010 - 2017
Thank You, Jeannie .. words to express my
do not fail me here.
Kathy Onu
Our Attorney of Record since 19970131 ..
David Atkin, Attorney
590 W. 13th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Our address of record and service is our attorney's office.
My story has been written as this :
Will I Am has been researching the Lexigram since 1987, when Linda Goodman's Star Signs book was first published.
Not believing that her intuitions about what she called the Lexigram would hold up to long research and reveal meaningful truths throughout the English language, he began to attempt to prove Linda wrong, regarding Lexigrams. What he found would have astounded Linda Goodman as it did those who have worked with her. He proved her intuitions were correct beyond his strongest doubts and Linda's wildest dreams. (perhaps)
Will has discovered and revealed herein the Axioms of the Art and Science of the Lexigram, firmly establishing the validity of the power of the words to create here on earth, proving to himsElf and others that the Lexigram is an art of nature, based on axiomatic science in harmony with the universe.
In 1996, Will and others came together to establish Good Works On Earth as a not-for-profit organization to hold the copyrights to the thousands of Name Arts, Star Arts, and Word Arts created by his researches. This web site freely shares 750+ pages of the Lexigram Name Arts and Star Arts, including the Axioms of the Lexigram.
Axioms are defined as sElf-evident truths :
Accurate and true science is based on them.
So is this true ? That you see what you believe.
Or is this true ? That you believe what you see.
Or, can both be true ?
Treat yoursElf, read another of the Axioms of the Lexigrams.
Please also see our Introduction to the Lexigrams.
Would you like to volunteer your talents regarding
the sharing of the Star Arts with awakening humans upon
our very pregnant, life-bearing Mother Earth ?
This link opens a new tab, and you will arrive at our StarLight Expressions page on our secure site, home of our database of English sequences, their Star Arts, and today, 4 of the Voicings of the Star Arts. Over time we will add more Voicings of the Star Arts.
The link ends with /invite/wordsmith30 : this is a coupon code for a 30% discount on any plan we offer, forever. The coupon will not always be offered, nor accepted because, when we have enough subscribers, we will remove the coupon AND reduce the monthly subscriptions to an amount that will allow us to continue to grow and serve you. We are following the example set by https://github.com : after their subscription base far exceeded their costs, they reduced their subscription costs to a level that allows them to continue to grow and serve us, as a user.
Enjoy our free ebook with 135 pages of Star Arts, also known as Lexigrams. lexi- means, word. -gram means, written out or drawn out in full.
All information received at Good Works On Earth is kept confidential. No information you share with us is ever shared with any other person or group in any way without your express permission. All email addresses on our mailing list are confidential. We neither loan nor rent nor sell our mailing list.
We offer you several ways to support our work : From word of mouth sharing with family and friends who enjoy English, and would want to see something new and useful in the language. From sending Star Arts to your Congressional Representatives to Your funding the publishing of Star Arts in your local newspapers for all to see, To renting our oversized photographic murals of Star Arts on Celestial Scenes, to Funding our making the documentary of this work sharing these awakenings and healing Star Arts.
Get a look at the database with our Free Sign Up so you can see the database a bit.
Please visit our secure site at : https://goodworksonearth.net/invite/wordsmith30
The /invite/wordsmith30 is a coupon code for a 30% discount on any plan we offer, forever.
The coupon will not always be offered, nor accepted because, when we have enough subscribers, we will remove the coupon
AND reduce the monthly subscriptions to an amount that will allow us to continue to grow and serve you.
Note of 20241231
Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade of 900+ pages, by hand and eye, codes and texts and links, etc.
Please know aboout 100 pages are now fully updated, but ..
Those working pages may lead to pages not yet updated with broken links.
That was an error, we now check every link before we update a page and we are correcting this.
As a result, all pages at our site are subject to update at any time.
We will endeavor to keep all page links meaningful and valid after this lengthy upgrade.
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