The following material is from the Star Arts of AMERICANS page :
All difficulties in our society today can be traced to the choice of the
christian justice system of the jesuits,
no capital J to their name for their death penalties, their imprisonments,
their obfuscated presentations of evidence
and the preventions thereof earn it no justice. The Jesuits and their
christian brethren all agreed to take violence as
their right of law and call it impartial and blind. The Jesuits could
not heal folks of their mental torments so the 'legal' system
was designed with punishment and death as the end results to quash their
incapability to heal, and
their extraordinary desire to seed their false doctrines tied to sin is in
one. And so, the christian, jesuit, dominican
church dominating law craftings folks chose to hold and mete out the greater
violence so as to stop violence, as their sole right.
These folks chose to debase and imprison their brothers and sisters and have
not much changed their viewpoints or ways ever since.
These folks chose to kill their brothers and sisters with greater violence
against them, claiming that their doing this will prevent future violence,
for they knew not how to heal their brothers and sisters of the violent lies
within their hearts and so we have their mental tortures creating debased
actions in violence, and now with the
BushMaster's Vulcan Team we have tortures
and oils spoils, and deaths assundering. Evil is deathly.
Christians fight wars ... christians and their evangelical's lies are the true
evils in the name of their satan fears.
They loathe a being who exists as they name it only in their mental visions of
Satan and Santa, indeed.
Unfortunately in the past the justice system creators creating legal uses were
Jesuits and their ilk drowning in failed healings and false
doctrines tied to sin. They seeded into prior systems of honesty, their
created falsehoods to no end for their own loopholings later.
Even as basic an idea as, precedent setting the stage of creation in their
courts of law is a retarded awareness.
This certainly is not allowing for newer awarenesses, to be basing your
decision by following some judge's decision of hundreds of years ago.
The Jesuit's Justice system also chose greater violence against the violent to
be done with it.
Kill the person, problem over. Nice and
legal, they say.
Incarcerate the person, problem over, and they tax the family and neighbors to
do the killings and run these prisons of death.
Nice and legal, they say, until the proofs show otherwise. Then folks are
fired and degraded for the truth made known, or worse upon
the children of our parents of the people of the lands and airs and waters.
Drive the person insane, give them over to the
psychiatrists, problem over, they
Drug them down, shock treat them, make them incompetent, problem over, they
Makes me want to break out in song, Money money money MONEY!
Mark this American's words ... the Jesuit Justice system in America is short
lived devil itsElf incarnate. Walk away, and seek true.
The evil vile devil lie lived a while in their jurisdictions, then the truth
set all free of christianity's mad god dogmas and devil lived lies,
rampant with its killings still ongoing, its rapes still ongoing, and its
pillagings, still ongoing, and its tortures, still ongoing, and ...
What 'date' are you reading this?
And are you on the profits race track to hell bent destructions of Mother
Earth's breathing processes and water clarities in any way ?
For what?
Portland, Oregon's christian churches are 'going under' due to lawsuits
against them for their priests and ministers sexual abuses.
Hundreds of millions of dollars are being paid to those who are proving their
points that lame male's sexual abuses of America's
children were long ongoing affairs with many many lame men knowing, including
the Top Guy(s), the P o p e, and folks, you
can bet your money .... it still ongoing in ever more subtle ways.
You will be hearing of this ... we mark the date this day, the day these six
lines above were typed.
20050207. No one speaks or writes of the rapes of the nuns.
We thank a one who visited our site from Pakistan Google.
America might take a look at the search results, and she will see the readings
are on the right.
'Tis pleasing to the eye in its own ways ... and the script shines fine in
peaceful ways, this we know.
We share with those who Love Al Lah, the letters of the name also gives halal.
All women give life and good counsel when Love is the way of the heart of the
men for all of nature's creations.
2005 Update
We invite you to see
the evolutions of
the imagings of
the wordings
Good Works On Earth
celebrates the birth dates
of living saints and sages
daughters and sons born
August 2005
Imprisonment of the Treasoners to Peace
This is the whispers turning loud
in the lands.
Impeachment and Prison
Until the healings begin being
This is the route of the BushMaster and his Vulcans.
"Americanism is a question of principle, of purpose, of idealism, of
It is not a matter of birthplace or creed or line of
-- Theodore Roosevelt
We invite you to see more
Name Arts and Star Arts at :
a 501(c)3 non-profit group performing its
The address of this page is :
Description : Good Works On Earth
Researches the art and science of the
Lexigram and shares that the power of the
word is far greater than we
have been led to believe, or allowed to imagine.
Key Words
teachers, the teachers, the teacher, teach, teacher, cheater,
learn, meditation, hear, the heart, heart,
listen in silent, anagrams, lexigrams, words, arts, names, healings,
awakenings, voicings,
lexigrammings, humans, jesuits, justice, jest, just, ice, us,
suites, suit, sue, use, mp3, words, sword
Actual web searches folks made, and visited Good Works On Earth's pages :
Searched : Which nation state name in America has only one syllable in its
name sound ?
Answer : Maine
Searched : what america means to americans
How many answers are there to this question on the internet, today ?
We know that on 20040217 we were answer #20 out of 1,900,000 answers at
and the seeker arrived at our site to what was what with the
And that Star Art is our answer.
Note of 20241231
Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade of 900+ pages, by hand and eye, codes and texts and links, etc.
Please know aboout 100 pages are now fully updated, but ..
Those working pages may lead to pages not yet updated with broken links.
That was an error, we now check every link before we update a page and we are correcting this.
As a result, all pages at our site are subject to update at any time.
We will endeavor to keep all page links meaningful and valid after this lengthy upgrade.
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We Support Net-Neutrality
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