You can see that all the words in the Star Art of JUSTICE are spelled using only those letters which spell the word itsElf. If you are new to the art and science of the Lexigram, we invite you to our Introduction to the Lexigram
We invite you to see a graphic prepared by called,
Know Your Rights.
Sadly, we post this link to truth about police abuse across America, still
this day on 20120721.
ESU ( ess' oo ) Esu is one more name representing
Jesus, the man who never called himsElf by that name ...
His name was Yeshua ben Joseph, son of Joseph the Carpenter and Mary, his
BeLoved mate.
Yeshua is also know as St. Issa in India and as Sananda, and he has other
names equally valid across the soundings of the universes.
He never used the words Jesus or Christ nor called himsElf by these
names. He spoke Aramaic.
ictus ( ik' tus ) noun plural = ictus or
1. A sudden attack, blow, stroke, or seizure. (Medicine )
2. The accent that falls on a stressed syllable in a line of scanned verse.
[Latin stroke, from past participle oficereto strike]
(Definition #1 of ictus is used with poetic license, in the sense of the law, as the justice system does indeed cause their pawns with weapons to inflict sudden attacks and blows upon their prey, so too they cause, with the stroke of their pen, the seizures of assets and imprisonments of innocents .. and still today, as this writing is posted, they are doing so. They have been doing this since the christian inquisition's times with the medical males turning in midwives and the wise women healers who knew and worked with herbs and herbals, and yes .. spells of words spoken with Love that Yeshua ben Joseph knew worked so well, words spoken with Love. Well, these medical males and the priestly pater rapers worked in unison to destroy the women with powers of awareness and healings, and then they took their lands, their homes, their assets, and shared the spoils, leaving those in their wakes fearful of the medical males and pater raper priests' sword of destruction.)
Jesuit noun
1. Roman Catholic Church A member of the Society of Jesus, an order founded by
Saint Ignatius of Loyola in 1534.
This is where they chose greater violence of their legal
state against 'us' as the modus operandi.
2. Often - jesuit : One given to subtle casuistry.
Jésuite from Jésus
Jesus from Late Latin Iesus; See Jesus ]
Jesuitical adjective. (notice the word justice resonating in the
word Jesuitical.)
Jesuitically adverb. casuistry ( kazh' oo-i-stree) n. pl.
1. Specious or excessively subtle reasoning intended
to rationalize or mislead.
2. The determination of
right and wrong in questions of conduct or conscience
by the application of general principles of ethics. American Heritage
And 'they' call it justice. It is just us .. it is just us christian jesuits
in jesus suits.
Christ! No wonder this society inflicts pain in the name of
You think this is folly? You are right.
You think
this information is a fakery?
Visit this link and go to the last
Read it and weep for our legal system has embraced this
insanity as being sane.
20040306: Note: On this day we found that link has been extinguished by
the University.
They have removed this link with this information
showing and proving the source of this insanity in our 'justice' 'system.'
To wit:
These are the only two links showing that page in a google
search at this time :
#1 : The Words Art of JUSTICE in Star Arts form from Good Works On ...
Read it and weep for our legal system has embraced this insanity as being
sane. :: this
is now a broken link: - 22k - Cached - Similar pages #2 : A
History of Justice: Origins of Law and Psychiatry
April 1999 ; Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 12-14 Isaac Ray Corner
A history
of justice: origins of law and psychiatry. Walter A. Bordenn, MD. ... - 13k - Cached - Similar
pages :: broken link / page removed Sometime prior to 20040306, Emory
University removed the proofs. The university did not remove all traces of the
link, it still shows here:
This now broken link is also showing as valid on this page :
The above link is also now showing as broken.
History: Law & Psychiatry
A History of Justice: Origins of Law and Psychiatry
Dr. Walter A. Bordenn, American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
Newsletter, April, 1999
This thing that wants us to bow to it in its obfuscations in words and its
warly ways
needs a new name to create healings for and with all it touches, not
penalties unending
upon us all. He or she who keeps prisoners is a prisoner themself,
with a tiny little e.
Black robe crime is more rampant in this great country than most know, or
can confront.
Fortunately, there is more than one group working to bring this current
justice system
to its very knees with honesty.
Here is one such group :
Soon after the founding of our Republic, the Founding Fathers realized
there was insufficient check on the Judicial Branch of government :
'The constitution, on this hypothesis, is a mere thing of wax
in the hands
of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any
form they please.
It should be remembered, as an axiom of eternal
truth in politics, that whatever
power in any
government is independent, is absolute also; in theory only, at first,
while the spirit of the people is up, but in practice, as fast as that
Independence can be trusted nowhere but with the people in
They are inherently independent of all but moral law.'
~ Thomas Jefferson
in a letter to
Judge Spencer Roane, September 6, 1819
'The Writings of Thomas
edited by
Andrew A. Lipscomb, vol. 15, p. 213 (1904)
Black Robe Crimes
Black Robe Criminals
You can see where the notion of such a thing as
the death penalty was inserted into the justice system.
Go to this link, the last paragraph.
You can see law and psychiatry
have had their hand in the till
all along, right from the get-go,
to the detriment of those they control.
They used to steal the assets with death.
Yes, they still do, however, not as brazenly,
only because they have most folks still convinced
of their godly intentions in an eye for an eye
mentality, and so the christians go along,
and so go their friends. We now pay them, through our taxations
upon those who are controlled by them. 'Them' being the law system's judges,
a very sick fellow with a very sick christian agenda /
medical aid claims,
wardens instead of deans,
prisons instead of homes for all,
weaponeers instead of healing engineers,
and other names they use to further create their ilk,
and the psycho logos psychiatricksters' systems.
Sorry psychiatwists for letters which re spell.
Yes .. must be the psych i a christs.
Yes .. it must be the psysch i at trysts.
You think this is too far off for be lief ?
Visit the
Visit the
See a new awareness in the
Star Arts in AWARENESS
Our schools, Hoo - so locos.
Our politicians .. our pol's as a sop, so polis ail ails. (sic)
Our loci cops, our police lice lie, so poorly named.
These three are the source of christianity's patriarchal
judgemental insanity's continuing in the name of a dead
man on a cross who never called himsElf Jesus, nor the
Christ, and who would have done everything he could
to bring Love's awareness eternal into the situations.
His name, close as I can tell, was
Yeshua ben Joseph
a son of a man named Joseph
a son of a woman named Mary
He spoke Aramaic.
He was Jewish.
We invite you to read a story ..
A Story of Creation
Visit us at :
The address of this page is :
Key Words
justice, jesuits, name, anagram, jesuit, christians, lawyers,
attorneys, law, judges, penal, plan, death, penalty, punishment, emory,
university, healings, miracles, awakenings, awareness
Actual searches folks have made to arrive at Good Works On Earth :
man by nature is good because
: name anagram jesuits :
justice anagrams
: jesuit justice :
just ice em system
~ christian justice is criminal blindness and failed healings and false
imprisonments ~
a christian's cash in act
: a christian's racist acts :
a christian' acts
: black robed criminals :
judges judging based on prior false claims and lies
~ judges judging based on false religions ~
christianity is a false cult
~ loyola university ~
jesuits sue us
~ dominicans ~
~baptists ~
~ methods ~
~ tied to the tithes ~
this method is shit
~ eugene, oregon, tourism ~
visiting eugene oregon
~ record the police if they encounter you ~
stupid white men
:: justice blinded ::
coburg oregon police :: now there's a ripe corruption story for the love of
We invite you to visit a site keeping track of the crimes of the cops in
Eugene, Oregon. : site no longer operating, we noticed in May,
This page at Good Works On Earth will be reporting the progress of the
and healings of the Eugene, Oregon police into competent law enforcement
with no more lying and rude and violent cops on duty, period.
Until then .. visit Ashland, Oregon.
Let us know how their law enforcement officers treat you, if they do.
Visit Bend, Oregon ..
Let us know there, too.
Visit Portland ...
We already know Portland ...
A Fine City, Portland
Visit Newport on the coast ..
Be respectful and let us know how they treat you.
But, don't go through Coburg, Oregon .. their police will make sure you pay
the price,
even if you are on the state highway just passing near their town.
They annexed land
across the freeway, so what they do on the state highway is legal, still, as
of 20051207.
It is their revenue source .. and they make hundreds of thousands of dollars
ticketing out of towners on the freeway .. they know the people on our
interstate highways cannot come back and fight their false revenue source.
Their police force has had fraud, embezzelment, and power abuse to no end.
Only now, in February 2005 are they cleaning it all up with transparence.
Police Lie Chief Gone
Unnamed Herein
and more
If you absolutely must visit Eugene, Oregon, watch your step, and watch your
The citizens are friendly, that's not the problem here .. the police lie is
the problem.
The Jesuit Justice Just Ice Em system is a money machine for this city.
On the back of its citizens, and the visitors ... they know you will
pay the fines before you pay to come back and fight the false
charges in a court of no record. They can do anything they
want in that court of no record, and there is no record of
their crimes against their own kin. There are no
healings in the Eugene Justice system based on
dogma and doctrine from long dead
stupid white men .
Precedent, you know .. that is what they hide behind so they don't have to
think and feel for themselves.
There are no awakenings in Eugene's Jesuit Justice system, only fines and
'Twill be be interesting to see how the new mayor responds to our
communications to her regarding these matters.
We contacted her office on President's Day 2005, and left a message with her
very professional secretary's machine.
We have also contacted internal affairs of the Eugene Police Department,
with the full knowing that it is here that
our staff have always had the best response when the justice lies ran their
course .. it was always internal affairs
that has cleared the lies in other cities, and we hope for the best here. In
the old days, if you were wealthy,
by all means you came to Eugene, Oregon to contribute to the rape of the
farmlands, the rapes of the
small neighborhood stores, and rape of the inner city with your boxes of
buildings to cram people
in and charge the big buck for your lazy rents. The previous mayor would
give you welcomes
upon welcomes with tax breaks and more .. if only you will bring your god
dollars to Eugene, Oregon ... promise high wages, get tax breaks, no penatly
you when your plan does no more than destroy the wetlands and leave empty
promises behind.
Is your corporation that rapes the environment welcome here ?
Sign up at City Hall. Let the police know you are here.
They will identify you to their friends, and you are in.
Sleep well at night in your gated community.
This was Eugene, Oregon
Under the Previous Mayor(s)
Policed by the Low IQ Pawns of Fear with Weapons.
Protected by Blind Prosecutors Also Available for Justice Metes
Black Robe Criminal Judges Available for Punishment Metes
No awakenings and healings are allowed in this courtroom.
Torture is the norm in their little itty bitty cells.
Proofs are on record with
Good works On Earth
and thankfully,
many others.
The date is 20050222
The date is now 20050223,
and there has been no call back from
either The Mayor's Office of Eugene, Oregon ...
Nor Internal Affairs of the Eugene Police Department The date is now
20050224 :
This afternoon, a calm and kind voiced officer of Internal Affairs returned
our message.
She was aware of our message, and she spoke clearly and succinctly without
We spoke briefly, I listened intently, and agreed to her information at
The report we file with Internal Affairs will remain confidential.
The results of the report will be shared here.
The exact date has been lost to us, however we did receive a call from the
Mayor's Spokesperson ...
We are now invited to call or visit with the Mayor's scheduling secretary
for an appointment.
As of 20050321, we have not sent in the report to Internal Affairs,
Nor have we visited the Mayor's Personal Secretary.
We will be doing so on our own schedule as set at this time.
We invite you to view the
Regarding our Reports ..
We entered their court room and we spoke as an eternal.
That story shall be told another day and in another way.
The address of this page is :
Key Words :
justice, jesuits, name, anagram, jesuit, christians, lawyers, attorneys,
law, judges,
penal, plan, death, penalty, punishment, emory, university, healings,
miracles, awakenings, awareness
Actual search term a visitor used : senior corporate counsel and divisional
head of legal : See our
Tourism in Eugene, Oregon
Visiting Eugene, Oregon
Note of 20050321
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