You can see that all of the words used in the Star Art of DANCERS
are spelled using only those letters spelling the word itsElf
.. this is a Lexigram.
lexi : the word, as in lexicon
-gram : drawn out or written out in full, as in telegram, and remember MoneyGrams ?!
The use of the word, RA, in the Star Art of DANCERS is a very ancient word.
Ra is the name of the One Creator, the One God, the One Goddess, the Unnameable One Source,
the Prime Mover Unmoved, All That Is, the Great Central Sun, the One Love Source,
which is shining in us all as we are of the stars, our sun a one, Sol.
* CADRE: a tightly knit group of people working together with intended precision.
Introduction to the Lexigrams
* RA : An ancient and still used word meaning the One Creator, One God, One Goddess, the Unnameable One Source, the Prime Mover Unmoved, All That Is, the Great Central Sun, the One Love Source, which is shining in us all as we are of the stars, our sun a one, Sol.
While on a visit with a friend, a woman name of Atina and her dance cadre performed quite a few dances in a performance ... and for her solo dance she threw sand on the floor and her dance involved moving the sand with her feet.
I was so inspired by the beauty of the dance and the sand moving that I introduced mysElf and told her I wanted to share the Star Arts of DANCERS with her. I voiced it for her and her cadre. I will tell you this, women intuitively understand the power of the Lexigram, the Star Arts, and make use of them. Men are slower to get the drift of it all, but they do get it, and they do use it.
I can also share the fact that every new art and science we introduce to the world is met with resistance. The Lexigram is no different. The Lexigram is a new art and science, and it is met with resistance. Especially by Christians. They are the most resistant to the Lexigram, and they are the most resistant to the Star Arts. Lexigram is the science of the Star Arts. The Star Arts are the art of the Lexigram.
Dance a little dance now and then, do a little ditty with your body.
Let the body do what feels good, feeling the joys of your movements.
When you arise, arise with a dance in your heart and step before you pee.
If dancing is good for the HEARTLINGS, then dancing is good for the EARTHLINGS.
Dance a little dance now and then, do a little ditty with your body.
Let the body do what feels good, feeling the joys of your movements.
During the day, life your thigh and toes and touch the heels to the earth.
Both legs, both feet, both arms, both hands, both eyes, both ears, both nares, both nates.
Nares are the nostrils.
Nates are the buttocks.
Visit the Star Art of
The Global Dance and Music Festival for Peace
.... and beyond ....
The Heart's Ear Hears The EarthsHearts DANCERS : September 21, 2024
There is a name ...
That might be unknown to you...
She is Uzume
She is Goddess of Humor and Dance in Japanese mythology.
Now you know.
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Star Arts of the WHALES
Hear the earth weather here
no matter where you are ..
Star Art of WEATHER
To learn or to see the Worldance of Shakti ..
We can whisper to you the name of Colleena
We can tell you of the Shakti School of Dance ...
We can direct you to
We say from knowing her for a time as tour helpers, let the
hear and see the dances of Colleena.
We invite you to see more
Name Arts and Star Arts at :
Our .org site is only now receiving Love and attention, codes wise, links working,
images showing, upgrading the codes from html4 to html5. Two programmers are now
workings with me on our .net & .org sites.
ever page, line by line by line, in html5 code, in English.
Description : Good Works On Earth
Researches the art and science of the Lexigram and shares that the power of
the word is far greater than we have been led to believe, or allowed to imagine.
Page Title :
The Star Arts of DANCERS in Star Arts form from Good Works On Earth
Copyright 1999/2024
Page Description :
You can see that all of the words used in the Star Art of DANCERS are spelled
using only those letters spelling the word itsElf .. ACDENRS.
Key Words: dancers, dancing, star arts, sacred, sands, dance cadre, inspiring poetry, dances ascend,
Below we share real searches folks made on the net to find this page,
starting with our all time favorite search for the year, 2009 :
healing the earth through nude dancing
that phrase was searched at Yahoo, if you are curious
We can say in all sincerity ...
Your AUBADE NUDE in the morning will heal you, your heart, and Mother Earth.
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phrases about dancers
sand dancing
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: phrases about dancers :
words for poetry dancers
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goddess of the dancings
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