All of the words in the Star Art of LEMURIANS are spelled using only those
letters which spell the name itsElf ...
If you are new to the art and science of the Lexigram, we invite you to read
our Introduction to the Lexigram.
From the Book of Names
aeersst … easter stars : searched on 20050414 : we are
#1 / 17,600,000 : google : we are #11 / “1,730”
aeersst … easters eats : searched
20060216 : we are #1 / 25,400 : :: “0”
aeersst … easters : tessera
: 2004 sometime : easter erases tears !!!!! 200505091840pst
aeersst … erastes – Greek for Lovers
aeersst … tessera ( tes' er a ) noun plural
: tesserae ( tes" a ree' )
1. One of the small squares of stone or glass used in
making mosaic patterns.
[Latin from Greek, neuter of tesseres variant of
tessares : four.]
Important derivatives are: four forty fourteen
quatrain squad square quadri- quadrant quarantine
tetra- trapezium fourth farthing quart quarter Four
Latin : quattuor : four
Latin : quatar : four times
Latin : quartus : fourth, quarter
aeerst … easter – Love’s ascensions
aeerst … eraste – Greek for Lover
aeerst … easter star : searched on 20051213 : we are
#1 / 5,640,000 : google : we are #2 / “10,400”
aeerst ... easter : Ascension of Love in the Heart
of Humans.
aeewy ... Yaw-ee : From Lee Carroll's channeling of Kryon ::
'We wish to celebrate Yaw-ee
today. Yaw-ee is here [speaking of someone in the crowd].
Yaw-ee is a Lemurian name composed of nine glyphs. The Lemurian writing, much
like Sumerian,
became part of the Asian culture and the Indus culture, was glyph
writing. That is to say,
letters themselves had meaning. They were concepts, and not just sounds.
of them composed the name of Yaw-ee.
Yaw-ee was known to all of you as one of the greatest architects of Lemuria
who ever lived.
Beyond that, Yaw-ee had a gift.
see, Yaw-ee built the Temples of Rejuvenation that were present on the
Yaw-ee knew all about DNA. He was given visions -visions he's still being
given today.
I would like to introduce him to you, for he's here in your group today. A
surprise, even to Yaw-ee!'
Please See :
aeffgir ..... giraffe
aeffgirs ....
aeffhill ... half-life :
OLLPUHA sequenced
aeffilnortv ... alvin toffler - author of future shock, and
aeffjmnrs … james nerff : birth name of actor james stewart
aefgg … this is a power sequence : run the list, see what you see
in the book of names.
aefgghilnorstu …
The gathering of souls
aefgghiimnoprstu …
The Giftings of the Star Arts Upon Mother Earth
aefgghiimnoprstu …
The Giftings of the Star Arts Upon Mother Earth : verified
aefgghinnort …..
groaning of earth : "Let me start off with a riddle,'
says NASA scientist Allan J. Zuckerwar.
In his
office in Hampton, Va., he rattles off items as dissimilar as rhinoceroses,
supersonic aircraft,
and hurricanes. 'Now, what
do they have in common?' The answer, Zuckerwar explains, is that each
one generates silent infrasound—long
sound waves at a frequency below 20 hertz."
[ Editor's Note :
Elephants knew the Wave of 2004 was arriving and
the almost all fled to high grounds.
This is also true of
dolphins and whales ... they knew hours before the
wave arrived and went to deep seas.
The animals knew of the
Tsunami Wave of 2004 before it arrived, and took action to survive.
Almost all humans were
oblivious to its arrivals. And man thinks he is so superior.
aefggnorsuwy ... confidential answer in the sone game
... confidential answer in the sone game
aefghijnor ... confidential
answer in the sone game
aefghijlmnot ... confidential answer in the sone
aefghilortu ... laughter for life - an event name
aefghilnoprsttvwy ... weaving the tapestry of love : part of the full
title of abceehkoopt, by monk madhi
aefghlnoprsty .....
poetry of the angels
- book of poetry by eric brodsky
Copyright 2005 Book of Names : Good Works On Earth
Read the Channeling of the Group,
by Steve Rother, entitled :
Say this out loud, a wee bit quickly and very clearly ...
perfect anagram
was handcrafted by Kathy Uno -
To see the next perfect anagram of the
agiortuy ... your tag it
Another source of information regarding the LEMURIANS :
The Mystic Temple web site
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have searched for and found, or not,
using our internal search engine
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20070409 : We received this on an email into Good Works On Earth :
'We've recently begun to lose customers ...
People are getting rid of their weekend homes due to age, electric bills
and fuel bills.
They are getting too costly to keep.'
To which we say, Good Works On Earth accepts real estate donations.
If you can improve your situation financially by donating your 2nd home or
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contact us
as we are seeking the homes for our workings.
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We appreciate your donations, and we suggest your tax attorney advise you in
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The address of this page is :
Description : Good Works On Earth
Researches the art and science of the Lexigram and shares that the power of
word is far greater than we have been led to believe, or allowed to imagine.
Page Title :
The Name Art of LEMURIANS in Star Arts form from, Good Works On Earth
Page Description :
You can easily see all the words in the Star Art of LEMURIANS
are spelled using only those letters spelling the name itsElf.
Key Words :
lemurians, lexigrams, stars, arts, good works, goodworks, earth,
goodworksonearth, animus, learns, murals, mystic, temple, telos, mt shasta,
'lemurian names'
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