The Star Art of the Letters AABCDENNU as ABUNDANCE in Lexigram form from Good Works On Earth

You can see all the words in the Star Art of ABUNDANCE art are spelled using only those letters spelling the word itsElf.

If you are new to the Star Arts, we invite you to visit our Introduction to the Lexigrams page.

... from the letters ...
..... revealing .....


It's an attitude of Love is all that is.

It's an awareness of the makeup of this reality.
* Meanings of AUBADE :
  In music ~ A song or instrumental composition concerning, accompanying, or evoking day break.

A wonderful way to celebrate yOur arising

* Meaning of ABUNDANT : From the Latin abundare, meaning to overflow, overflowing.
1: plentiful; in great quantity; fully sufficient;  as, an abundant supply.
2: abounding (in something)
Synonyms : ample, copious, exuberant, luxuriant, plentiful, plenteous

We do have another list that heals instantly, if you work it.
  This is the true abundance.

Knowing that Love is the Source Energy of All That Is ...
  Let go of all the dichotomies of life ..
   Release the polar expressions of good and evil,
 right or wrong, fat or thin, let the ego go quite quiet:

1. Inhale with awareness of Love's gentleness.
2. Shine your heart light with Love's brightnesses.
3. Forgive all, including sElf, completely letting go.
4. I like to say the fourth is, walk on the bedrock of
   gratefulness in all that you experience.
4a. Practice listening and talking and walking with your own
   Divine gratefulness in your heart and thought, for all that you see and hear.
5. Be gracious in all you do, best you know and learn.
Graciousness is not fakery, so do not consider it in such terms.

If #2, 3 or 4 are in any way difficult for you in the beginning ...

Seeking new awareness ?? See these Star Arts ..





Now, treat yoursElf ... go sit in a sacred hot springs and breathe.
No hot springs nearby?
I like sitting on the light edge of the moon.
I like sitting in the center of the sun, something I know I cannot do.
Anywhere you are, these words above are Divine Healings.

Dance a dance ..
The Star Art of DANCERS

So much to do ....
Thank Goddess there is so much time to do it in.

We accept all donations given with Love.
We honor all donations with gifts to you.
We invite you - make a donation .
See what happens.

We share a few ideas of how to donate.
Empower us and we will further share
this work in the name of
Peace on Earth

Treat yoursElf : Take a gander
The Star Art

Welcome to the
The Gatherings of Souls Ongoingly So

Here you can hear and read the
Star Arts of the WHALES
Voicings with Music at the mp3
Certified Dolphin Safe


Do you seek a beautiful gift for your MOTHER ?
Do you seek an exquisite gift for your BeLoved ?
Sister ? Wife ? Mother of Your Child ?
Send her a print of the Star Art of MOTHER

The Peaceful Observer
The Word Art Letters of MOTHER
Our true Mother of Abundance
MOTHER Star Arts

StarLight Expressions ~ Nothing Is Impossible
StarLight Expressions ~ Nothing Is Impossible

Beauty is truth, truth, beauty - that is all ye need to know on earth, and all ye need to know.
- John Keats, 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'

We share with you a few words from another ... on the subject of ABUNDANCE

"I want to share my thought that it might be of great benefit for all of us to understand that our lives have nothing to do with ourselves.
They have to do with everyone else whose lives we touch, and that is the secret of abundance. To experience true abundance,
you must ignore the agenda of your body (self survival) and focus on the agenda of your soul. It is my observation that very
few people have spent a lot of time during this particular life paying attention to the agenda of their soul.
Yet there are a few people who are now ready to fly, to go places where no human has gone before..."
Thank you for the phrase, Gene Roddenberry.
By arriving at Good Works On Earth you have arrived where no human has gone before, and you have done so since 1986-1987 and you had to go nowhere to experience your arrivals no matter where you not be and matter where you be. In 1991 the name Good Works On Earth came to be in sounding and sone and then ... you must know the work has been freely shared here at the Good Earth Works Network since 1998, on the lit up internet.  Point being, you can browse our 750+ web pages and know you have arrived where only Love has gone before, only the source can go where the creation exists, you see ... and so now you know and I say go further in these very readings below of another's words ... please read dear as leaps at warp slow too way :::
'The irony is that in the moment that you decide and declare that your life has nothing to do with you or your body,
everything you ever sought, hungered for, struggled to obtain for yourself and for your body will come to you without effort.
And you won't even care, because you will no longer need it. You will enjoy it, but not need it.
Why this is important is that the whole world is following you. We're watching you. We're imitating you. We imitate each other. br /> Children imitate parents. Nation will imitate nation. We take our cues from each other, and every so often one of us steps out and says,

'Not that way. This way.' The Buddha did that. Moses did that. Jesus did that. Muhammad did that. And now, we can do that.
Yet you would not be moved to unless and until you understood that you have come to this world to share a very important message
with everyone whose life you touch.

'The message that you have come to share: 'Hello...Wake up. Do you know who you really are?'

'From beginning of time, all we have ever wanted was to love and be loved. And all we've ever done is create moral restrictions,
religious taboos, societal ethics, familial traditions, philosophical constructions, all manner of rules and regulations telling us who,
when, where, what and how we may love, and who, when, where, what, and how we may not. What are we doing?!

'True abundance has nothing to do with anything that I am having, and everything to do with what I am being. And when I share my
abundance of beingness abundantly with all those whose lives I touch, everything I sought to have comes to me automatically without
my ever trying to have them.

'Don't get caught up in the thought that your abundance/success will emerge from what you are doing. You'll be running around doing
this and doing that, doing this and doing that...and end up with nothing but a pile of do-do.

'When you see a person who appears to be doing nothing and abundance is flowing to him, what's his secret?
He's not Doing anything ... he's Being something.

'When searching for right livelihood, stop looking for something to do and start looking for something to be. Get in touch with that part
that resides deep inside of you that knows who you really are and what it would take to call that forth in a beingness way.

'Look inside.
What is it that you’re being when you feel totally fulfilled and totally self-expressed?
Maybe you're being wise or clear, maybe sensual, maybe creative, maybe sensitive,
compassionate, caring, or humorous, maybe athletic....look to see what that is for you.

'The problem is that most people do not think they can Be who they’d love to Be in life ...
they cannot 'make a living' at it .... so they settle for something less. Yet your opportunity is
to make a LIFE rather than a LIVING ... '
     - Neale Donald Walsch

Source Material :

The address of this page is :

Title :
The Lexigram Word Art of the Letters of AABCDENNU as
ABUNDANCE in Star Arts form from Good Works On Earth - Copyright 1999/2004

Key Words Letterings Sequences :
abundance, buns, bun dance, aubades, nudes, aubade nude, prosperity, dances,
You are on the Lover's Star Arts Trail.
This is the path to the Trailhead, the Star Art of HUMANS"> or .. visit the second viewpoint on the trail, the Star Art of DANCERS

If you are feeling brave, this leads to the Star Art of FEELINGS

Here below ..
We share actual searches folks have made on the net to arrive here,
    starting with our favorite search for the year, 2009 :
healing the earth through nude dancing

and with that search made, we say, DANCE AN AUBADE NUDE : aubadenude :
abundance in dancing ~
word art love
word art letters
art prints using letters : See MOTHERS
anagrams for share : See /axiomsom : Axioms of English
Question: How do I obtain a list of words that can be made using the letters from that one word
Good Works On Earth uses American Heritage Dictionary on CD
The best anagram generator free to use on the net is

how many words can your spell using the letters in the word, language ?
the answer from our anagram generator is :
133 words with two or more letters,
93 words with three or more letters,
59 words with four or more letters,
26 words with five or more letters,
9 words with six or more letters,
0 words with seven or more letters,
which makes language a prime word,
spelling no other when using all its letters,
and so is abundance.
Source : American Heritage Dictionary on CD Anagrams Generator

Honoring one pithy quote :
"The issue is consent, not content."
- - Crosscut

We agree, as we say it as ...
The issue is consents, not contents.
If you do not like it, do not consent to see it.
The contents will no longer irk your contents.
- Kathy Onu, nee Uno ; Creator, the Good Earth Works Networks

Source of the Crosscut quote ::

There are many Goddesses of the Waters and one is named Kupala :
Kupala - Slavic Goddess of Water

This is the Peace On Earth Good Will All Site

Hear Mother Earth's WEATHER no matter where you are: Star Art of WEATHER

You are on the DANCERS Star Arts Trail


DANCERS ASCEND is on the Lover's Star Arts Trail
Welcome to the Web of Love
Home of the Book of Names Eternal

Blessings Be and ..

Thank You for your caring and sharing Love best you kmow ..

Kathy Onu, nee Uno
The Letters Settler
Good Works On Earth

This page was last updated in some way on :20250107
Prior updates: 20241230, 20171209, 20160616, 20140704, 20131114, 20090120

Have you read the Star Art of AMERICANS
North Americans, South Americans, Eastern Americans,
Western Americans or Central Americans ...
It's a scream, as Americans care ...
It's a song in the songster's care.
Can an anthem heal the hate ?
Can a ballad suspend time ?
A healing anthem can ..
An able ballad can ...

Hear the Voicings of the Star Arts in

View Permalink

Note of 20241231

Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade of 900+ pages, by hand and eye, codes and texts and links, etc.
Please know aboout 100 pages are now fully updated, but ..
Those working pages may lead to pages not yet updated with broken links.
That was an error, we now check every link before we update a page and we are correcting this.
As a result, all pages at our site are subject to update at any time.
We will endeavor to keep all page links meaningful and valid after this lengthy upgrade.
We Support The Open Net
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the Sequencers Services are provided by Good Works On Earth
a 501(c)3 charitable, educational, and research nonprofit organization.