Good Works On Earth's Lexigrams Index and Site Map sharing the awakenings and healings revealed in the words using the art and science of the Lexigram

Note: 20240931 : This is page is beig updated today and tomorrow.
As you will see, this has become a very long site map page unto itsElf, and so we designated it, the Site Map Index of 2004. Now in on the last day of August, 2024, we are updating this page removing old material, broken links, etc.

The best way to find anything on this particular page is to do a screen search. If what you seek is not on this particular page search our site ...
Do an internal search of all the pages at Good Works On Earth.

Love´s Ascendings – Dove´s Descent
Love´s Ascendings – Dove´s Descent Love´s Ascendings – Dove´s Descent LadyGaia

This is the Home Page
of the
Star Arts Creator


This is the Home Page
for the


We welcome all DANCERS
Please, see your Star Art

It may be that you arrive here as a result of a search engine result,
and that word or phrase is not on this page.  We move things from
this home page to more perfect pages at times.  For instance, if you
are looking for the Laser Monks, you can now see them
and others doing good works on Mother Earth at our
Good Works Links Page
   .           .
Good Works : Athens Ohio


We welcome all the good folks from the World Laughter Tour.
Are you a new visitor to Good Works On Earth ?
Can you imagine a World Laughter Tour ?
These folks can !
Find them at :
The Star Art



Employment & Volunteer Opportunities
Good Works On Earth
More than described exist.
Share your ideas and interests.


As you can see by your sidebar button  :
This page has come to be quite long as our Site Map itsElf.
Please press RELOAD or REFRESH as necessary when you revisit any page at this site.
This page was last updated in some way on : 20130228

Individual pages are subject to constant burnishings unless otherwise noted as historical & unchanging.

In the wee hours of 20040901 a search was done by someone on google ...
They searched for the answer to the phrase .... GOOD WORKS OF JESUS
Google placed our Top Ten List page as answer #1.
Rightly so for we share with you the Star Arts of God hersElf, and her sone.
In the beginning is the Word .....


Good Works On Earth
poses one question to the
United States Congress ...
See that question here ...
at the Star Arts of the

: Peace on Earth :

: Growing Hemp in America :
: The Great Gas Exchange :
: StarLightning News from Good Works On Earth :


: Our Message of 20040829

Let the Women Speak



Terrorists go hand in hand with
To claim territories is to create the terrorist
The letters themsElves tell us so.
Look through historical news headlines, you will see it is so.
The healings to the condition are contained within the word itsElf ...
From the letters of ...

to set territories is to sire terrorist
'ere *eros rose sore

*Eros is God of Love
so terrorist rise
terrorist rose
sire ires
so .....
to reset it ...
to rest ires ...
to rest sore eros ...
to reset sore eros ....
sit to reset territories so ires rest so territories' errors rest
to reset territories so eros rose is to rest its terrorist
so ...
to rest terrors ...
to rest terrorist .....
reset territories
rest territories
so eros rose
so ires rest
terse set
eros rose
eris rest

Eris is Goddess of Discord
so it is set
so it is


Thrice Set



Breathe the earth's breaths, and be well.


 Introduction to Good Works On Earth
We introduce you to the art and science of the Lexigram
In the Name of Awakenings and Healings of
English Speaking Peoples Everywhere.
Abundance Be A Bun Dance
Our welcome to all Reporters

Our welcome to all Weaponeers


Welcome all visitors from
and other sites sharing the wisdoms of the sacred Lexigrams ... if you would like
your work to be shared in any way on Good Works On Earth's Lexigrams Links Page,
send us your letter of interests and samples of your work.

We share with you all the fact that the book, Linda Goodman's Star Signs,
was the initial inspiration for this body of work now shared herein.
We have taken her revealings much further than even she
dreamed and her friends who knew her work have written
us and let us know they are certain she would be pleased
with what we have done with her seeds of wisdom
Linda Goodman's Star Signs

We now share with you the results of many years
research in just a few lines of stellar truths revealed :

Axioms are defined as :
sElf evident truths that stand on their own as proof, needing no other.

AXIOMS of the Star Arts

Blessings Be and Thank You

~ Kathy Onu, nee Uno ~
The Letters Settler

This page was last updated in some way on : 20240901, 20140704, 20130228

View Permalink

Note of 20241231

Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade of 900+ pages, by hand and eye, codes and texts and links, etc.
Please know aboout 100 pages are now fully updated, but ..
Those working pages may lead to pages not yet updated with broken links.
That was an error, we now check every link before we update a page and we are correcting this.
As a result, all pages at our site are subject to update at any time.
We will endeavor to keep all page links meaningful and valid after this lengthy upgrade.
We Support The Open Net
We Support Net-Neutrality
We Support Open Source Code
the Sequencers Services are provided by Good Works On Earth
a 501(c)3 charitable, educational, and research nonprofit organization.