The Power of Names
It is a staggering thought to know that the names we name humans and things and attitudes and emotions and such can come with a life of their own in service to that which is named. The names vibrate on many levels. We identify and reveal those vibrations in an art form that conveys the essences of the name.
There is great hope vibrating into reality in the Star Art of CORPORATE.
The Star Art begins as brutal as corporations themsElves have been, with their CEO's and COO's pillaging, plundering and raping the airs, lands and seas world wide. Then, the Star Art shows the simple healing. The healings are held within consciousness of the executives themsElves.
You can see that all of the words in the Star Arts in CORPORATE are spelled using only those letters spelling the word itsElf ..
1. Plural of corpus
noun : plural
corpora :
cor. 1. A large collection of writings of a specific kind or on a specific subject.
2. The principal or capital, as distinguished from the
interest or income, as of a fund or estate.
The Star Art of CORPORATE has evolved since 1998 to show stellar revealings beyond the above.
You can see an in-progress image creation of the Star Art of CORPORATE here :
If you are doing good works on earth in harmony with Mother Earth's
natural breathings,
we extend our offer of service to you
in regards to creating business and corporate names
honor your work and echo your intentions in the name word itsElf.
Please allow us to ask your interest, and to explain a few things ...
Would you like to create a name for a corporation, product, book, film,
service, CD, DVD or process ?
Would you like to create and verify a name for a new awareness in the
business of life's livings in the nowments ?
More than merely a good business name, you can create a great business
name, and know that it is a name that
will serve you in every way, before you invest your life workings
into it.
Would you like to see the Name Art of your corporate name ?
We at Good Works On Earth will be honored to render your corporate Name
Art of your existing business name and
we can work with you to create a name anew, or to verify a
name now existing, to see how it may be affecting that
which is named. We can also tweak a name, changing it ever
so slightly or more, to improve the vibrations it is causing.
We can amp up the powers of the name to serve its meanings in alignment
with your creating.
We wish to work with you regarding your name needs if you can say your
product or service is indeed a good work on earth.
We seek to work with those who are healing the adverse conditions we are
experiencing in our life and livings.
We as human can create with our Loving efforts all that we envision.
As we are a non-profit organisation working to create good works on
Mother Earth, we ask that you look into your heart and
hear the earth to see if the product or activity you seek our
assistance in naming is healing to one and all.
We include Mother Earth and her animals and humans and oceans and trees
in this healing equation.
The donation for this service is a sliding scale, according to your
ability to share, and we ask that you donate according to your ability,
as your donations empower our work for you and for others.
Our donation scale is from what you can offer this day to everything you
wish to empower Good Works On Earth with in exchange.
The reason we can offer this service this way is because this service is
priceless and simply cannot have a value placed upon it.
The reason we can accept everything in donation for this service is
because of this law of the word ...
"In the beginning is the Word, prior to the word is the Breath, and
with the breath is the still quiet Love, Unformed and Unnamed."
-- from the manuscript,
Letters Let Seer See
We will at this time accept one to three American Gold Eagle one-ounce
coins of the realm as our requested donation for this service
in working with you to create a your business name. We will also
accept your donation in check or money order in US funds. We
accept donations using major credit cards through which is
itself, a non-profit organization that processes your donations
as you direct, and they provide you accounting on all your donations to
various charities at year end for your tax records. And yes,
because we are a non-proft charitable and educational organization, we
will work with you on a sliding scale basis, and over time basis.
Your name supports your work and if you are doing good works on earth,
we will do our best to support your doings.
Your donations support our ability to share this work with Americans,
and we world humans, in many ways.
We can help you create ideal names, and we will record the chosen names
creations in the Book of Names.
We can also verify names you are pondering using, to show you what is
what with the name, echoes wise.
We do not advocate killing corporate executives whose companies earned the Corporate Death Penalty. We advocate awakening them to the miracle of Mother Earth's breathing and healing their outlook and viewpoints on life itsElf, so they can know not only the depth of their crimes, so too the heights of the healings.
The simple revealings of the
healings of the RAPE
in the corporate world is very esoteric at this time, it seems, to all
who still rape Mother Earth.
Show the Corporate Executive these Star Arts, asking he or she
to read it slowly as though their life depends upon it, giving them a
feel for the power of this one word to heal our corporate competitions
and greeds and warmongerings. The single most rapacious
corporations are employing the scientists willing to be working as
One definition of mincemeat is : to destroy, as to make mincemeat of something.
"How you spend your money is how you vote on what exists in the world."
- Vicki Robin, author of : Your Money or Your Life
Source :
enterprise =
serene trip
In living this eternal game of life's livings we found a grand
business key name.
In late 2006, we found this perfect anagram of a very healing word,
When we are all engaged in enterprises of living ideally in harmony
with Mother Earth,
and each other, we can cease the corporate rape and create the
enterprises of our healings.
We first saw the perfect anagram "enterprise = serene trip"
on another site not longer available.
View an article on the Ten Worst Corporations in 2002.
It does not have to be this way :
'The language of business is not the language of the soul or the language of humanity.
It's a language of indifference; it's a language of separation, of secrecy, of hierarchy.'
- Anita Roddick
American businesswoman, quoted in Joel Bakan's, The Corporation,
New awareness of sustainable economics are arriving,
and we ask you to not give up hope for human change.
We invite you to see for yoursElf by visiting the
Natural Capital Institute
2007 : Corporate Healings
Step into the Wall Street Healings in Letters Forms:
2006 - A Year of ... What Are / Were Your Intentions ?
2005 - The Year of International MicroCredit
By helping others, you help yoursElf :
The word, deracination is defined as :
Read the online article,
The Lexigram was first intuited by Linda Goodman.
The first sharing of her new awareness was published in
Linda Goodman's Star Signs
in 1987.
Those at Good Works On Earth who have helped further this research
since that time have created
Word Arts, Name Arts, Star Arts, Lexigram Readings, Name Readings and
Name Healings.
A rose by any other name is still Eros' Rose, and these names above
are our created names for the art and science of the Lexigrams as
applied to names and words and as researched and developed within Good
Works On Earth in the name of the awakenings and healings in these
ascensions we are all experiencing.
The address of this page is :
Page Title :
CORPORATE Star Arts & Services from Good Works On Earth
Page Description :
We share with you the Star Art of CORPORATE, wherein all the words
used are spelled
using only those letters spelling the word itsElf. We offer the
service of Corporate Name Creation
and the Lexigram Readings of Names in the Corporate arena, from your
business name to a new
product name, to name a book or a CD, the list is near endless of
how you can use
the Star Arts in the healings of business and corporate affairs.
Description : Good Works On Earth
Researches the art and science of the Lexigram and shares that the
power of the
word is far greater than we have been led to believe, or allowed to
imagine by our
locos corporate school systems based on locos psychology and
Key Words :
corporate, corporations, names, creating, new name,
changing, legal, nameings, lexigrams, readings, name arts,
corporate arts, corporations, star arts, reap, ceo, rape, prorate,
care, corpora, terra, carer, terra carer, ten, worst, healings,
business, business name, business names, good business names, great
stellar names
Actual Searches folks made on the net to arrive here :
creating corporate name
: creating a name for a product line :
: words to name business :
hints on choosing a name for a business
~ how to create a corporate name ~
: company names good words :
creative art spelled with your name
: create a good business name :
create good business names
~ art of corporate naming ~
corporate thank you
: corporate name gallery :
corporate thanksgiving messages
: good words for business names :
what words make a good business name
words good for business
: Business Related Lexigrams :
good business words : good words business
: power words naming business :
power words business name
make a good business name
: good words company name :
business name arts creation
~ corporate naming art ~
: earth star workings :
worlds biggest hogs
worlds biggest hog
: patriarchal capitalism :
stellar stock alert : see the
Wall Street Star Art
how to be a good city manager : Star Art of
vibrational energies of names : please see our
Services Page
: good words for company names :
: business name creation service :
creating a name for a song
: create business names : good words to name
create product name : creating names
decode that anagram
Update of : 20050313
is currently being rendered and arted to form.
The image at the link above is primitive, so to speak, in terms of
the final image you will see one day.
The above image link is a seed image ... it is being taken to the
level of Fine Art in beauty.
We thank you for your patiences in these ongoing ascensions of the
Star Arts to Stellar Beauties All.
We hope you enjoy reading the WALL STREET STAR ARTS as much as we in
crafting the arts.
A Patriotic Quote on Corporations :
"... crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare
already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to
the laws of our country. Today, instead, the aristocracy of the corporation has
grown to full maturity, state and its laws in the service of corporate aims."
Thomas Jefferson
(Thirty years after drafting the US Declaration of Independence
warning of the dangers posed by the corporation)
Source :
Kremastics is defined as : the unbounded accumulating of wealth.
Source : The Discoverers, by Daniel J. Boorstin
Good Works On Earth's Home Page
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Star Arts of CORPORATE :
Corporate Image in Star Arts form
Star Arts of WALL STREET
This is the SMALL PRINT
These copyright-protected works are published under license held by Good Works on Earth
All Rights ReServed World Wise
All Wrongs ReVersed World Wiser