Index Site Map 20061001 A Time Splice of America's Nowments in Star Arts forms from Good Works On Earth.


Heartlings !! Earthlings

Welcome to Good Works On Earth's Index Site Map of Six Months Time
This index page covers the time slice of 20060401 to 20061001 : April to October 2006

PEACE ON EARTH was the most searched phrase on our site during those times.

Please know we have other indexes to finding information on our site.

We Welcome All to the Art and Science of the Lexigram.

Now seeking member sponsors : Endowments to the Nowments

Note of 20060926 : We offer this one charge of criminal indictment upon George Walker Bush:

  5. The Charge of Waging a War of Aggression.

The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg referring to the charge of waging
a war of aggression, highlighted the gravity of this offense in the following words:

"To initiate a war of aggression …. is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime
differing only from other war crimes, in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole".
Source Page :

When America's president will not speak with another leader in the name of peace on earth,
there is something woefully wrong with the man's imaginations and abilities to confront another
in the name of creating with them in the name of peace on earth good will all.

The above is our answer to the information below ::
There was a zero mention of this in one local media,
not one peep that we were able to see, in print or tv.
Did you know about this and did you celebrate the peace that exists ?

Note of September 1st, 2006 for September 21st, 2006
International Day of Peace : Global Peace Days
Will The-Senator's-All-Nations Stand Down Their Weaponeers ?
The annual International Day of Peace takes place September 21st in hearts and minds near you :
Will All Tribes of All Peoples Choose Peaceful Silences of No Weapons On

Created by the United Nations in 1981, the General Assembly passed a new resolution in 2001
declaring that henceforth, September 21st would be "observed as a day of global ceasefire
and non-violence, an invitation to all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities
for the duration of the Day..." More than 600 celebrations are being planned around
the globe.  To join in :

September 21st, 2006

We Issue The Call
For Nations All
Stand Down

Robert A. Monroe was heard to say :
"If you can do something once, you can do it a second time ...
and if you can do something twice, it can be learned."

A United Nations

As Nations United

Note of September 4th, 2006
The Reasons for the Seasons of the Treasons of the Senators
The Letters ... The Words
aenorsst = senators
aenorsst = treasons
aenorst = senator
aenorst = treason
aenorst = tears on = atoners
The Reasons for the Treasons of the Senators

We issue the call :
Stand Down the Senator's Corporate Weaponeer's Treasons

When will Americans stop craving war ?

"War is sweet to those who have not tried it.
The experienced man is frightened at the heart to see it advancing."
- Pindar

Please see and share the name of the documentary film, Why We Fight

A Truly Frightening Historical Fact :
America’s top military leaders drafted plans to kill innocent people and
commit acts of terrorism in US cities to trick the public into supporting a war against
Cuba in the early 1960s. Approved in writing by the Pentagon Joint Chiefs,
Operation Northwoods even proposed blowing up a US ship
and hijacking planes as a false pretext for war.
Source :

A Current Fact :
Osama Bin Laden is Kicking George Bush Ass

Here are the proofs by : Bill Cusack on 20060831

Note of September 11th, 2006 :
The definition of insanity in action ...
Read the spoken commitments of heart and mind of Dick Cheney, aka Richard Bruce Cheney :
The meme he refers to is his lie of lies, false and without eternal power of awareness.

Note of September 13, 2006 : Note from Christchurch, New Zealand
" We got a fright here yesterday when we heard that meterorite about 3/4 hour after we dropped [our firends] at the airport.
I was in the middle of a telephone call to client and rushed outside ...
I thought it was an aircraft exploding as the sound came out of the clouds  ...
I realised then that their plane would be 1/2 way to Auckland by then. 
The meteorite sounded like a supersonic boom a la Concorde." 
- K.T., Christchurch, New Zealand

We extend our thank you to the 'new pope' for issuing his personal vatic apologies.
"This is really, really abnormal," said Alberto Melloni, professor of history at the University
of Modena and author of several books on the Vatican. "It's never happened as far as I know."

Seems Alberto is correct.  No pope has ever apologized for crimes committed and lied in the name of a one son.
An image this one man on a cross off kilter, this imagined image of blind faiths built on doctrine and dogma.

Patooey on that ! no patooey on this ...

September 21st, 2006 :
Will America Stand Down Her Weaponeer's Powers ? If so, on
September 22nd, can America Stand Down two days in a row ?
Did China and England and India and Iran and Pakistan and Russia stand down ?
Was there a shout out in Herat on that day, and did children and parents rejoice ?
September 23rd, can All Nations Stand Down all weaponeers ?
September 24th, Peace On Earth Good Will All Is The Meme !!!
This is a media aimed idea made in Eugene, Oregon ..
This is a United Nations in Peace Call

Power reserved is power improved,
sayeth the Unknown Author at this time.
- Kathy Onu

Our question now is ... what leaders and what nations violate this
call to Peace On Earth Good Will All on September Twenty-One
Two Thousand Six
if any do ?

We suggest to you now, call your local newspaper or television,
ask them to tell you on September 25th, and on September 26th
Two Thousand Six

It is not too late ...
What is your date ?
Can you make the call ?

August 30th, 2006
Someone used Google to search this query :
Earth Mother birthes her spirit son
We were answer #1 & #2 / 85 answers on their results.
The person visited the Star Art of MOTHER EARTH.

On August 23rd, 2006
Someone used Google to search this query :
Mother Earth official website from Oregon
We were answer #9 / 353,000,000 answers at google
This very page, and rightly so for we share much.

Our Introduction

We Invite You ...
Good Works On Earth's
Boarding Pass Invitations
Peace On Earth
Global Awakenings

Blessed Mother's Day Is Every Day
The Star Art begins with three OM's that ran together into a mom.

The Star Art of MOTHER

See the Star Art of MOTHERS

Every sharing on our site is freely shown in the name of

The American Hopi Tribe Salutation and Salutation Hopi Tribe
were all of a sudden, this day, ranked as our top search phrases at the major
web search engines wherein the seeker visited us here at Good Works On Earth.
From out of the blue, seekers sought out the Hopi Tribe's Salutations and visited
our Native American Names page on 20060812 : August 12th, 2006.  Ho.

We celebrate the DOLPHINS and WHALES

On the E, from Ruth Lee, Scribe :
Dateline : Oaxaca, Mexico : Tue, 22 Aug 2006 08:05:17

Hi, I am living in a circumstance that I never believed would happen, one of complete disorder in the city of Oaxaca, Mexico, where I live.
The teachers went on strike 3 ½ months ago as they normally do, but things changed drastically.
They are fighting to have the governor removed from office. Let's just say the PRI, the party in control, is known for its corruption and illicit actions. Well, the strike went from small areas blocked to marches of 100's of thousands of people, to burning of buses, streets blocked everywhere by buses stolen. The economy of the city is in a disastrous state. The people are full of fear, others are so angry. People have been abducted and abused, others injured and others disappeared. The governor has left the city, claims on national TV that there is no problem here, and sends in his own thugs to burn buses and abuse people. This whole situation is about recovering one's own power (Oaxacans have been victimized for centuries) and living in dignity. It is a theme that is moving throughout the world right now.

I have been praying, meditating, visualizing and everything I know to help this situation, and in many ways all of us who are doing so have helped this be a much more peaceful situation than the violence that could have come out of this. It feels like this week is a critical week. Something energetically has shifted and I feel we need help. I would appreciate any prayers, energy, and love that you could send to Oaxaca, the people, the government and all involved. If you know others who would like to participate I would appreciate you asking them.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Namaste, Deborah ::: [ Editor Note : For more information and sources :

We at Good Works On Earth have been passing the words on Gullible Americans for years ... and years, and years.
America is asleep at the soul and her media is bought and paid for to keep it that way.   False profits, false prophets.

Yes, we offer corporate healings and solutions using the art and science of the Lexigram.
Any competent CEO, CFO or COO can view the image of the Star Art of CORPORATE and know they are seeing pure healing power.
Pass the Word Art of CORPORATE.

We invite you to the Star Art of FREEDOM

We invite you to the Star Art of NEWSPAPERS

For when you actually meet someone who believed in
the Iraqi Invasion and Occupation by the Lame Bush Team.
The media then allowed and framed the allowance to war.
This was a media-ocracy in terms of sleepy Americans.
You own the airwaves ? You own the messages !
They believe this to be true based on survey.
The non-buying American is quite quiet.
We know their lies, their product sells not.

United We Stand : Divided We Fall
Democratic and Republican politicians know no other than their divisions.
These two political 'parties' call Americans to nothing great, nothing noble.
America is in deep trouble at the hands of the clan of the "christian" republicans.
Did you know these two 'parties' were originally called the Democratic-Republicans.
They broke apart into two camps and have been fighting ever since.
America is paying a horrible price for their continuing arguments.
Warful lies, fearful ears, these clamoring for God fight most.
An atomic race is a Democratic Crime of high treason.
An unclear nuclear race is a Republican's crime.
And now, back to historical and hystericals.

First, a hysterical ...

August 6th, 2006
"If it's Not Torture, then its Okay to Use on Cheney"
From an article by Kirk Caraway at Common Dreams

August 3, 2006
Prepare for Peace
Congressman Dennis Kucinich speaking from the Floor of the House link to this entry in the Congressional Record :
"Mr. Speaker, how is it that even with the constant moral and financial support of our Nation, our friend and ally, Israel,
is still not safe and secure. If we insist upon the security and survival of Israel, and we must, then we must also insist
upon the security and survival of the Palestinians and the Lebanese."
On July 26th, 2006, Congressman Kucinich introduced legislation,
HR 950, to abolish all nuclear weapons. Kucinich resolution states,
“That the House of Representatives calls upon the President to initiate
multilateral negotiations for the abolition of nuclear weapons.”
For Full Article :

August 3, 2006
Be very scared, dear Americans, for your vote.
The complete rigging of Diebold Vote Machines is now proven.
We say to all American's, please make sure Diebold implodes.
Three rigged elections of 2000, 2002 and 2004 is enough.
We offered the proof at its source, but now on 20130527, do we notice the link has apparently been bought by Diebold, and so we remove it.

September 14th, 2006 : offsite link :
Further Proof Diebold Votings Machine are rigged for fraud.
Note of 20130527 : We removed this link entirely as we notice it is now a false address, and Diebold is suing, just like Dominion did, and won.

There are damages done to the state of Oregon's
watershed and fish are at total death because of
corporate mines with no plan to do other than
rape and run. That's the ultimate cut and run.

The Star Art of COPORATE shares the solutions.
The accountants must incorporate Mother Earth in the accountings.
Her and her creature's easy breathings are the ultimate valuationings.

There is hope ...

"Beneath the rule of men entirely great,
the pen is mightier than the sword."
- - Edward George Bulwer Lytton
1803-1873 : English novelist

We invite you to Words of Power , an offsite link sharing high power truth.
Words of Power explores the interdependence of security, sustainability and spirit.
"Two great dangers overshadow the current political debate in the US.
The first is to over-emphasize the role of George W. Bush, or even the
role of Dick Cheney, in all that has befallen the nation.
The second is to attribute these woeful circumstances (e.g., the failed occupation of Iraq,
the federal deficit, the national debt, the denial of global warming, the contempt
for the US Constitution, the fracturing of the Western alliance, the loss of US
prestige in the world, the prostitution of the EPA, the dismantling of FEMA, to incompetence.
The Bush-Cheney regime’s record in office is not the result
of incompetence, or even criminal negligence. It is the result of a strategy that
incorporates both willful destruction and intentional neglect. And Bush-Cheney
share this strategy with the Republican leadership in both Houses of Congress."

Richard Power is the founder of GS(3) Intelligence and
His work focuses on the inter-related issues of security, sustainability and spirit,
and how to overcome the challenges of terrorism, cyber crime, global warming,
health emergencies, natural disasters, etc.
You can reach him via e-mail: [email protected]

"Cut and Run" is a Republican Lie
Read the writing of George Lakoff on this matter to be able to see the truth.

Corbin Harney, spiritual leader of the Western Shoshone, speaks his truth saying ..

"We only have one air, one water, one mother earth"

We say to Corbin, Ho.

The book :
Nature, Man & Technology
by :
Barry Commoner
The best book on the environment ever written.
This book predicted the energy crisis, and offers the solutions.
Our gift to you, for your donation to Good Works On Earth.

The Film :
An Inconvenient Truth

"One of the most important films ever.
If this does not move you to change, nothing will."
— Larry King, CNN

"Made me want to buy a hybrid and shoot my old car,
so no one else could drive it ... Amazing and smartly done film."
— Bob Mondello, NPR

"This is activist cinema at its very best, for it serves to popularize and demythologize
a problem long obscured by those most threatened by the solution. With humor and
searing intelligence, Gore outlines crucial steps we must take to avert impending
disaster and proves that inaction is no longer an option-in fact, it's immoral."
— Sundance Film Festival

"Not to be missed. It doesn't matter whether you're a Republican or Democrat,
liberal or conservative... your mind will be changed in a nanosecond."
— Roger Friedman, Fox News

Would George Bush, Sr. and his fellow investors destroy a glacier and two pristine rivers in Chile to own gold ?
They would. This is a true story.  The project is called PASCUA LAMA. The company is called Barrick Gold.
The operation is planned by a multi-national company, one of whose members is George Bush Senior.
Read this incredibly rapacious story at :
Capitalism, competition and consumption gone insane is destroying men, and their home, Mother Earth.
The truely sad fact is colleges are turning out folks like this at a mad rate, ensuring ever more destructions.

Can Americans change their rapacious ways ?
They can, because they care.
Old laws will fall.
New ideas will arise.
This is the Light Age.
This is the Healing Age.

To wit : "Renewable energy is now widely accepted as playing a key part in our future.
It feels as if there has been a significant shift in attitudes, both to the solutions and the challenges it brings.
We have changed the format of the events listings in this issue of GVNR to show the scale of what is happening around the world.
Already 1000’s of solar systems, wind farms, photovoltaic systems and biogas plants are producing renewable energy on a massive scale.
Major exhibitions are being held throughout the world, revealing the emergence of new technologies that look on course to
eventually replace the old."   For Full Article :

The following is a snippet from the Book of Names In Unsorted Order :
First you see the letters that create the name or word ... the you see the creation.

.... snip ....
ceeeginnsst … genetic sentences : defined as larger chemical structures made from genetic alphabets,
also called 'words'
aiorrtt … traitor : entered 20060628 : see ahiorrttu
ahiorrttu … traitor to truth : this name, Traitor to Truth, was first birthed on 20060628 while reading the words and works
     of John Kenneth Blackwell : this is an Ohio Politician with a capital AIL.  Think Election Fraud on a Grand Scale.

abceehjklllnnotw … traitor to truth : John Kenneth Blackwell :
abcehjklllnotw … traitor to truth : John K. Blackwell : See : abceehjklllnnotw : A Christian Dominionist
offsite link to the
abceehjklllnntw … traitor to truth : J. Kenneth Blackwell : See : abceehjklllnnotw
abcejklllnw … traitor to truth : J. Ken Blackwell : See : abceehjklllnnotw
abcejklllw … traitor to truth : J. K. Blackwell : See : abceehjklllnnotw
abcejklllw … traitor to truth : J. Blackwell : See : abceehjklllnnotw

aeghilnrst … Her Healing Slate

abegillst … Bill Gates : Birth Name is, William Henry Gates III
aeghiillmnrstwy … William Henry Gates III. : dob : 19551028 : Seattle Wash.
aegiillmstw … William Gates
adegilmnst … Melinda Gates : beloved of and to Bill Gates
aceehinoprstty … Patty Stonecipher : runs The Gates Foundation
ceghit … high tech high : name of empowering learning center, not a school prison.
     "Bill and Melinda Gates take Oprah on a tour of an experimental high school—it's cutting-edge,
     tuition-free and breaking all the rules."
aeefginorsstv … forgiveness art
aghmnoopr … monograph : prime letterings sequence : A scholarly piece of writing of essay or book length on a specific, often limited subject.
aghmnostuy … Thomas Young : brilliant scientist 100 yrs before Einstein, “dared suggest that light consisted
     of waves, not particles, and that colors of light consist in the different frequencies of vibration.”
     Quote from page 238 of Five Equations That Changed the World by Michael Guillen.
abeffnrrttuw … Warren Buffett : His decision to give so much of his money to the Gates Foundation is great
     news. Bill and Melinda Gates (and Patty Stonecipher, who runs the Foundation) have found a way to
     change the world. And, as Buffett said today, they're up and running and they know what they're doing.
aaagmnrs ... anagrmas : misspell on our website page at terrorists corrected to anagrams on 20060628
.... snip .... Book of Names unsorted order

These are the Healings of the Light Age

Are you seeking God On Earth ?

World Peace Forum 2006
Was held June 23, 24, 25, 26 : Vancouver, Canada
Last checked, link not workign

One quote from the World Peace Forum page :
"The Be Good Tanyas have stunned audiences throughout North America,
the UK, and Australia with their old-tyme music and lush harmonies."

The Peace Boat is arriving in Vancouver, Canada on June 28, 2006.

The arrival of Peaceboat in Vancouver will coincide with the final
day of the World Peace Forum 2006, “Cities and Communities :
Working together to End War and Build a Peaceful,
Just and Sustainable World”.

The Media: Weapons of Mass Deception
An Interview with Danny Schechter
Alexander M. Dake

“… we no longer live in a traditional democracy but rather a media-ocracy,
a land in which media drives politics and promotes the military …”

"If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace."
- John Lennon

From the letters of the word, LARCENIES :

George Bush is not America's Master Decider

The Criminal Indictment of George Walker Bush :
"The case for impeachment is clear beyond question. The list of Bush's crimes is long.
The “Shock and Awe” invasion was Bush’s war of aggression -- a crime identified as
“the Supreme international crime” by the Nuremberg Tribunal.

"The only way to convince the world that We the People do not approve of
the conduct of George W. Bush is to impeach him. Otherwise we can only be
seen as approving of his acts, or as powerless to prevent them.  And the only way
we can deter the next, and future Presidents, from seeking war rather than peace
is to impeach George W. Bush and his key advisors now. Only then will political
leadership know the American people will not accept more war."
- Ramsey Clark : Former US Attorney General : 20060615

House Republican War Crimes
Article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention defines war crimes as,
"Willful killing, torture or inhuman treatment, including willfully causing great
suffering or serious injury to body or health, unlawful deportation or transfer or
unlawful confinement of a protected person, compelling a protected person to
serve in the forces of a hostile power, or willfully depriving a protected person
of the rights of fair and regular trial, taking of hostages and extensive
destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military
necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly."

Read the Proofs : Dated 20060615

This next is from an interpreter to the presidents and below in 'power.':

: A Documentary :

By far the best video footage of UFOs and the best UFO documentary
available is the astounding Sci-Fi Channel documentary, OUT OF THE BLUE.
In addition to the stunning UFO footage, this excellent documentary includes
revealing interviews with astronauts, generals, admirals, professors, and other
highly respected individuals, all of whom have had direct experience of UFOs and
talk openly about the cover-up. Possible reasons for the secrecy are discussed,
as well as implications for our world. Don't miss this riveting 90-minute video.

Available free on Google Video at :
Last checked, link not working : UFO Documentary : OUT OF THE BLUE

To see the full email with more information and sources :


Our Site Map of early 2006 and 2005

Our Internal Search Page
Your best bets to search our site there

Our Web Pages Listing by Names
Tedious readings this one can be, and it is still not updated to its final form.
The name of this link is 191 GWOE Web Pages, we are now 648 pages, not all are listed.

There is good and grand news to be shared throughout the lands touching hearts with healing news.
The power of the words you speak and yes, think, is and are far greater than you've been led to believe,
and/or allowed to imagine.  Locos schools so high on curriculums and testings miss the mark by missing spirit sone.

Good Works On Earth's web site is entirely open to you freely so at this time.
This is a freedom we do not take for granted at any time in any way.
We are a charitable and educational organization.
We are the epitomy of non-profit.
We are tax-exempt world wise.

Our Mission Statements can be read as ...
Peace On Earth through the Power of the Words from the Earthling's Heart Spoken Words.
The Cessations of Lame Males able to cause wars with their Lame Words.
The Quietings of Lame Ma's vain yabbles, Gifting Her with Healings.
We cause awakenings and healings with words as shared herein.
Long research has proven the above to be sooth.
Sooth be truth.
It soothes.

Here is how to walk with no regrets.
When you arrive there, please read slowly.
The link is one potent way to see your way clear to no regrets, soulfully so.

"Truth only hurts if you are a liar .. and that's only half the truth of it."
- - Kathy Uno

Good Works On Earth ... You can call us ..
The Tribe of Heart Awakenings
We hone on one eon on aeon on eon on.

We invite you to share
Star Arts
Good Works On Earth



The world land speed record for one train's distance and speed has been set on 20060516.
Eurostar's train named, The Da Vinci Code, broke the world record in both far and fast.
This original source link no longer works :
An off site link taking you to PR Newswire for the details of the high speed run.

Speaking of which, did you know the Catholic Church is doing everything it
can to prevent the showing of the film in countries around the world ?
This, while they are paying out millions upon millions in lawsuits
to make up for the abuses their priests sire against children.

NEW YORK CITY - There's a church out there unlike any other, where worshipers repent
for the sins of shopping and corporate control, where gospel hymns condemn the
modern way of life that has become dominated by profits over people.
Reverend Billyand the Stop Shopping Gospel Choir
are a group based out of New York City.


The Peace Circles Gather

The saying goes, United we stand, divided we fall.
America is torn apart by Democratic and Republican lies.
We do indeed share with you freely, Star Arts to heal these lies.
Natural Law is the Key in the Star Arts showing the Earthling's Healings /a>
As linked above so linked below ..
We share a search on the net someone used to find us :
who protects the earth's landscape
Linked to our answer on our site, the Star Art of EARTHLINGS.

Mother's Unite Against Nuclear Weapons

Based on George Bush's own words , he has spoken ...
He is a dictator, he has control of nuclear weapons, therefore we should be invaded.
We, being America.  When will an unclear Republican's nuclear race come to an end ?
When will the Democratic atomic race idea die a complete death ?
When will America stop massively creating and exporting weapons ?

Good Works On Earth calls for the arrest of George Bush and his
republican clan for treason and high crimes against humanity.
Good Works On Earth calls for the arrest of Karl Rove ,
Karl Christian Rove, to be exact, unindicted as off
20060614, and purportedly told he has a free pass.
: Also known as the brains to George Walker Bush's presidency.
Karl Rove , and the Vulcan Team.

Celebrate your freedom with your call for

The Impeachment of George Walker Bush Lawn Kit includes :
· 5 ImpeachBush Lawn Signs
· 2 campaign bumper stickers
· 2 Save the Bill of Rights bumper stickers, and
· 2 BUSH LIED THOUSANDS DIED bumper stickers.

"Peace cannot be achieved through violence,
it can only be attained through understanding."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

The name of the planned explosion on June 2nd, 2006 (now delayed) is Divine Strake.
Only a criminal will call a weapon of massive destruction, Divine.

Divine Strake?
Strake is a nautical term :

STRAKE : A single continuous line of planking or metal plating extending on a vessel's hull from stem to stern.

Mother Earth is a living breathing being.

At the time of this notice, we asked you to join in with the the Western Shoshone in demanding a stop to these destructions.
Visit the web site of the the Shundahai Network for information and update.

not operating last link check

Peace and Harmony with All Creation

We ask you to please read the Star Art of WEAPONEERS
Please know, there are signs the pay of the unweaponeers is increasing.
This is a good and grand sign and statistic to increase and to be increasing.
The pay of the weaponeers, American ?
Ask yoursElf, ask others, seek and ye shall know, then tell others.
Every man hour spent creating fears and weapons in ideas, words, and realities is ...
Every Israelite's nightmare, and every Arab's waste of healing resources, including themsElf.

Blessings Be Ye,

Thank You for caring to be aware, now you can share new awarenesses ..
Kathy Onu, nee Uno
The Letters Settler

Ode of FREEDOM in Star Art form.

This page was last updated in some way on : 20241212
Our archives are available to our members for their research.
Please visit our research site with our relational-database, showing the proofs of the power of our words to create their echoes.

The '/invite/wordsmith30' is our Forever Coupon Code, discounting any of our services by 30%, forever.
Free Sign Up is the first step to the research site.

Shakespeare said: Words, words, words ..
Eye Sae, Names, names, names, amens.

North Americans, South Americans, Eastern Americans,
Western Americans or Central Americans ...
It's a scream, as Americans care ...
It's a song in the songster's care.
Can an anthem heal the hate ?
Can a ballad suspend time ?
A healing anthem can ..
An able ballad can ...

View Permalink

Note of 20241231

Our .org site had not received care and updating for many years.
I was laser focused on building our .net site all those years.
Two of us are now working on the .org site, page by page, to bring it up to date.
This is a major upgrade of 900+ pages, by hand and eye, codes and texts and links, etc.
Please know aboout 100 pages are now fully updated, but ..
Those working pages may lead to pages not yet updated with broken links.
That was an error, we now check every link before we update a page and we are correcting this.
As a result, all pages at our site are subject to update at any time.
We will endeavor to keep all page links meaningful and valid after this lengthy upgrade.
We Support The Open Net
We Support Net-Neutrality
We Support Open Source Code
the Sequencers Services are provided by Good Works On Earth
a 501(c)3 charitable, educational, and research nonprofit organization.